Here, from the Olympics Resistance Network is more of what will be happening in the next little while out Vancouver way as the protests against the 2010 Winter Olympics gather steam.
Upcoming ORN general meetings: (Every 2nd Sunday)
Sunday, May 24, 6pm @ Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings
(The first meeting of each month includes time for new member orientation and Olympic issues background.)
Sunday, June 7, 6pm @ Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings
** If you are interested in ORN, but unable to attend Sunday meetings,consider getting involved in one of the subcommittees planning popular education/outreach, legal defense, fundraising, communications, etc. and contact olympicresistance@riseup.net for more information.
---------- Upcoming events in Vancouver -----------
Saturday, June 6
Queering the Resistance
Saturday, June 6th, 8pm
@ 524 Main Street (upstairs through the red door)
$7 door (no one turned away for lack of funds)
Pink resistance! Fundraising Dance Dance Party to support queer resistance to the Olympics. DJs, dancing and direct action! Organize to oppose the transphobic, homophobic, sexist, impoverishing, and gentrifying Games. Help build the Pink Resistance for the 2010 convergence.
Pink Resistance will be a fund to support queer actions, campaigns, and the 2010 convergence. The Pink Resistance group will be having events and organizing meetings, so look out for our events and meeting times. This event is a fundraiser for Olympic resistance groups: Olympic Resistance Network, Pink Resistance and the Anti-Poverty Committee.
Contact: apc@resist.ca
Saturday, June 13
Saturday, June 13 @ 1:30 pm
Starts outside Downtown Eastside Women Centre(302 Columbia - corner Cordova, just west of Main)
On Saturday June 13 at 1:30 pm, join women in the Downtown Eastside Women Centre Power of Women Group in the 3rd Annual March for Women's Housing and March Against Poverty!
Everyone welcome!
We are marching for:
- Social Housing, Childcare, and Healthcare for all!
- No more Evictions and No more Condos in the DTES!
- People Before Olympic Profits!
- Stop Criminalizing the Poor!
Although we are still suffering in shelters and on the streets, we are not yet defeated. We are making our voices heard, we are bringing empowerment into our lives, we are fighting for positive change, and we are expressing the humanity of our neighbourhood. We hope all of you will join us.
The Power of Women Group is a group at the Downtown Eastside (DTES) Women's Centre, located in the DTES of Vancouver (the poorest off-reserve postal code in Canada). We are a group of women from all walks of life who are either on social assistance, working poor, or homeless; but we are all living in extreme poverty. Our aim is to empower ourselves through our experiences and to raise awareness from our own perspectives about the social issues affecting the neighbourhood. Many of us are single mothers or have had our children apprehended due to poverty; most of us have chronic physical or mental health issues for example HIV and Hepatitis C; many have drug or alcohol addictions; and a majority have experienced and survived sexual violence and mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional abuse. For indigenous women, we are affected by a legacy of the effects of residential schools and a history of colonization and racism.
For more information contact project at http://dewc.ca or call 604-681-8480 x234.
We are also seeking endorsements, please contact us if you would are interested in being added to a list of supporters.
On facebook:
* Video:
Sunday, June 14
Car-Free Day in Vancouver
Sunday, June 14th, 12-6pm
@ The Drive, Main Street, Kitsilano & the West End
~ ORN will be at the Drive Car-Free Day and we hope to see you there!
~ "In 2005, the Commercial Drive Festival launched the first community-driven Car-Free Festival in Vancouver. The Festival was wholly volunteer-organized and presented, involving over 30 core organizers and 300 volunteers. It was an enormous success, bringing over 25,000 people out to celebrate the community and party in the street. After that, the Festival happened in 2006 and twice in the summer of 2007, snowballing in popularity and attracting up to 40,000 people per day.
Clearly, car-free days were an idea whose time had come. The first annual Car-Free Vancouver Day, on Sunday June 15, 2008 ushered in the next phase in this bold experiment that had been gradually happening in Vancouver for many years. It took the car-free meme to the whole city, and represented the next level in our evolution toward healthy communities, authentic cultural celebrations, and car-free streets. On that day, FOUR communities presented their own Car-Free Festivals: Kitsilano, West End, Main Street, and Commercial Drive. Each Festival was envisioned and organized by the local core organizers, and each had a unique flavour. This year we’re doing it all again, and adding even more communities to the list!" http://www.carfreevancouver.org/
---------- Upcoming events in Victoria/Vancouver Island ----------
Thursday, May 21
Thursday, May 21, 7 pm
Camas Books and Infoshop (2590 Quadra @ Kings)
It’s time to start planning for the October 30th-31st Convergence in opposition to the Olympic Torch Relay. Come share food and ideas!
May 21 - 23
RBC Promotional Torch Relay May 21 - 23 @ various spots in Victoria (details below)
"Another exciting Olympic opportunity for social justice advocates in Victoria! The Torch arrives in Victoria this Thursday as part of the Royal Bank-sponsored tour. As a major investor in the destructive Alberta tarsands, Royal Bank has been named one of Canada's biggest corporate climate offenders. The Torch is rumoured to be making an official relay stop at Bear Mountain resort on Halloween - a big fat gift to Vancouver Island's most racist developer, Len Barrie.
We're planning to meet the Torch on its first stop, 9:30 am this Thursday, May 21 at the corner of Fort and Douglas. Seeking musicians, drums, noise makers, banners, singers, and more! Here is the tour schedule for this week.
The Torch will make five stopsover three days in Victoria.
Thurs, May 21 – 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
RBC Victoria main branch,
1079 Douglas St.
Thurs, May 21 – 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
RBC Oak Bay branch,
2255 Oak Bay Ave.
Fri, May 22 – 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
RBC Broadmead Village branch,
777 RoyalOak Dr.
Fri, May 22 – 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
RBC Sidney branch,
2464 Beacon Ave.
Sat, May 23 – 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
RBC Shelbourne Plaza branch,
3970 Shelbourne St."
July 1 - 7 11th Annual Wild Earth! Gathering
July 1 - 7 (on Vancouver Island)
"We're pleased to announce an outstanding lineup of presenters and workshops. It's a thrill to work with such talented folks who are volunteering to share their activism skills, experience and wisdom. Big cheers!
Wild Earth is the only activism training camp on the coast, and this year's focus is media and legal support for social and environmental justice advocates who are speaking out against the 2010 Olympics and the Torch Relay. Possible locations include a couple forest sites on the beaches of southern Vancouver Island. Please register today!"
More info, registration, and volunteer/donation info at:
The Vancouver Renters At Risk group want to collect stories and interviews about some of the housing impacts of the Games; anyone with contacts, personal stories, ideas, etc., please send to: "Renters At Risk Campaign - Subject: renters on video.
I'm looking for BC renters who have been affected/experienced evictions, renovictions, and/or huge rent increases in the lead up to the Olympics. If that's you, are you willing to allow me to film you in a short 15-45sec segment ? If you're interested in hearing more, please write:rentersfightback@gmail.com" Olympic Resistance Network: contact - olympicresistance@riseup.net
The Olympic Resistance Network is primarily based in Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories and exists as a space to coordinate anti-2010 Olympics efforts. In doing so, we act in solidarity with other communities across 'BC' - particularly indigenous communities who have been defending their land against the onslaught of the Olympics since the bid itself. Our organizing is largely being done under the slogan of "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land," while creating an opportunity for all anti-capitalist, indigenous, anti-poverty, labour, migrant justice, environmental justice, anti-war, and anti-colonial activists to come together to confront this two-week circus and the oppression it represents.
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