A blog devoted to anarchism, socialism, evolutionary biology, animal behavior and a whole raft of other subjects
Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Molly truly loves this news report. On October 19th members of the MDS (Movement for a Democratic Society) and students from Pratt New School and Pace SDS set up a street theatre event in NYC's Times Square. You can't get any more central to the pulsing heart of the American Empire than this. Protesters were clad as "pro-war zombies" and the Grim Reaper. They turned out on the third Friday in October to "help" recruiters. The zombies spoke to passersby, arguing that, "It's been a a long war, business is slow for recruiters and they seem lonely-stop in and say hello". The zombies worked a two hour shift (union rules ?), exhorting pedestrians to "support endless war", "give war a chance", sign up for "only two weekends a month-honest" and to remember that "violence is the answer". The sarcasm was not lost on three recruiters who came out of their smallish office on "military island" to glare at the ghouls. The zombies agreed that this was the most annoyed that they had ever seen the recruiters. Undead Nixon, who made an appearance at the event as well, encouraged the crowd to remember that death and destruction are "underrated" as he gave the hapless recruiters a big thumbs up.
See videos and photos of the action at:
MOLLY NOTE: Molly loves this sort of action. It's truly refreshing to see that the concept of humour isn't dead amongst modern anarchists, despite the best efforts of primitivists, post-leftists and believers in juvenile terrorism to bury it. Like a zombie it rises from the grave. Actions such as these do 100,000 more good than 10,000 set piece riots where people "play act at revolution". Revolution comes in its own good time if it comes at all, and it will never be hastened by those who think being defeated over and over by the police is "direct action". Such actions are merely "propaganda actions", whatever their participants believe in their fantasies. As "propaganda actions" they are obviously inferior to humorous actions such as the NYC comrades undertook in terms of actually influencing the opinion of people who witness them.
All that Molly can say is, to paraphrase an evil Stalinist, "create two, three, many street festivals".

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

On October 6 NATO held military exercises in Croatia. While political and military "elites" visited the events anarchists organized protsts in Zagreb, Pula and Split. Anarchists wanted to show that there are people who are against the participation of Croatia in this military alliance. Better to do something than to watch everything with apathy. For some time now groups such as Food Not Bombs have done actions calling for No NATO ! Besides FnB there are anarcho-syndicalists and queer-anarchists who participate with them in such actions.
Anarchists planned an action in the city of Zadar, but the city council refused to grant permission for it. So they moved their actions to October 13. They hung banners and stickers against NATO on bridges. In Split Food Not Bombs talked with people on the street, gave out leaflets and hung a banner from a church tower, One day before the exercises in Zagreb anarchists hung banners and put up stickers in the centre of the town. They did one more action on October 7. Although the actions seemed small they were visible, and people saw that not everybody agreed with participation in NATO. We can't wait to have somebody do something for us. We must take the initiative and act. We know best what we need, not some politicians who have nothing in common with us.
Photos http://www5.autistici.org/anarhizam/index.php?option=com_content&task=vi
As Glas Istre reports after the actions in Zagreb, Split and Zadar anarchists from Pula participated in actions against NATO. In the night between Sunday and Monday banners against the military organization were hung in several places in Pula. An anti-NATO banner with a nazi sign was hung on one bridge while another banner with the question "NATO peace keeper ?" was hung at the highway. The banner 'NATO=WAR' was hung in the centre of the town. There were also stickers in the town that read "they want us like parents who prepare their own children to be ready for war" and "war has a need for us; we have no need for war".
Anarchists showed that there are people who are against NATO. In their leaflets they said that as a generation that has survived war that they know very well what war is about and don't wish it on anyone at any time. The action in Pula was organized by anarchists who call themselves "Anonymous in Black".
Molly Note: The above text has been altered slightly for grammatical reasons. The original translation into English can be seen HERE. What impresses Molly most about this news item is that it is one more example of just how widespread the anarchist ideas have become. Croatia seems like an unlikely place to find anarchists and not just isolated group or two with a small scattering of individuals but groups who can organize public events in more than one city. very pleasant news.
Monday, October 22, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The following is a Mollymew translation of the recent press release that NEFAC-Montreal has put out concerning their new blog/website. For the original french version see HERE.
The Political Information Blog (BIP) of the Montreal Local Union, a member of the Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists, is the newest baby of the Montreal agitational press. NEFAC-Montreal moreover also has federation material, that is to say Ruptures Magazine and the journal Cause Commune and now a new AgitProp tool on the web. This new agitational media will permit us to react immediately to events, give us power to rapidly take a stand, to spit in the face of the left as much as the right, to analyze local and international events, to denounce, to demand, to provoke, to debate and to diffuse our ideas much more widely....in Sum, a blog of libertarian agitation.
The political situation has been more and more moribund. It is more than necessary to act on all fronts and to attempt to influence and radicalize the social movements, the reformist left and 'Mr and Mrs. everybody', our neighbours and workmates. So, as libertarian communists we believe that a radical political alternatives exists to bourgeois democracy, to the "security right" (droitesecuritaire-hard to translate-mm) and the authoritarian far left. This blog will let us continue our struggle for a libertarian society, without classes or the state. The ruling class and its neo-liberal propaganda now have a new enemy in the alternative information brush. We will give no quarter ! We are fed up with compromises and false alternatives. We proclaim for the Commune !
Stay tuned, the communards are mounting the barricades...
See the blog for other events soon.

The following is the latest press release from the International Secretariat of the FAU-AIT (the German section of the International Workers' Association) on the 'Strike-Bike', now resuming production under self-management.
Production will start again on Monday, the 22nd of October at 6:30 am!. Finally, on October 22nd the bicycle factory in Nordhausen will start operations again. From 6:30 am the 'Strike-Bike' will be produced under full self management and without bosses. The 1,800 bicycles will be produced and delivered to the customers at the beginning of November. People who are interested in a 'Strike-Bike' but who didn't get one of the 1,800 now have the possibility of putting their name down on a reservation list at the webpage http://www.strike-bike.de/ .
Media representatives from press, radio and television are welcome. we strongly ask for advance notice. Due to public interest accreditation is needed.
Those present will include colleagues from 'Bikes-in-Nordhausen e, V as well as members of the FAU, of the Cafe Libertad Collective and other unions from other countries.
Please register in a timely fashion by fax:
Bikes-in-Nordhausen e. V
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Str. 31, 99734 Nordhausen
Tel. 03631-622 124; Fax 03631-622 170
email: fahrradwerk@gmx.de

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Molly has reported previously on the case of Mansour Osanloo, the jailed leader of the bus workers' union in Tehran, Iran. This political prisoner is now in a precarious state of health, and may lose his eyesight unless he received urgent medical attention, something the Iranian authorities are denying him. Amnesty International has launched an online campaign to demand that Mr. Osanloo receive medical attention. You can read more about this campaign and join it HERE.
The International Transport Workers' Federation who have spearheaded the international campaign in Osanloo's defense have produced a short film entitled 'Freedom Will Come'. You can view it online at YouTube HERE. A DVD of the film will also soon be available.
Monday, October 15, 2007