Molly has looked over a number of her links this week for significant articles, and she has chosen the following for highlighting. This doesn't imply that Molly agrees with the opinions expressed, just that the entries are interesting.
1) From Le Revue Gauche comes 'Passover Song', a pagan analysis and diatribe about both the Song of Songs in the Bible and various other historical connections. Eugene's contribution to Easter. Also at that site is a more "orthodox" leftist offering on '"Criminal Capitalist Gets Honourary Degree', well worth reading for the concept of "honour" current in our society.
2) From the Porcupine Blog comes a translation of 'Proudhon's Ghost Stalks Venezuela' from an anarcho-communist group in Venezuela that is more (but not entirely- Molly) sympathetic to the government in that country than the majority of anarchist there are. An interesting comment showing the diversity olf anarchist opinion within a "revolutionary" process, though Molly disagrees with it.
3)From Shagyas Blog comes 'What Happened to Dunkirk', a lament on how the British have surrendered their freedom to a new "surveillance society".
4) From Kevin Carson's Mutualist Blog comes 'Economic Calculation in the Corporate Commonwealth', a "market anarchist" analysis of how communist societies continued to exist despite the lack of proper economic information.
5)From the local scene Ecology and Participatory Democracy has an article on "collapsing bee colonies", something that has become an item of interest for various people interested in agriculture in the last few months. Also the Vindicated Anarchist has an article entitled ' Blocked Up Like a Festering Boil' on internet censorship (MOLLY NOTE: GO TO INFOSHOP FOR THE ULTIMATE OUTSIDE OF CHINA) . Hopefully the author will eventually see how similar (and undesirable) Maoism is to the "fashion anarchism" that aims to build a little religious cult.
6)Finally, from Social Design Notes comes the 'Food Bill' that lays out the connection between food prices and sustainability. If the authors imagine that they have escaped "economics" they are deluded, but their critique is well worth reading.
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