Fresh from their recent victory at preventing development at the Hanlon Creek Business Park (see the Hanlon Creek Business Park Occupation News) anarchists in and about Guelph Ontario are planning a conference for this August 29. Here's the lowdown from their website.
This event is organized by participants in the HCBP occupation as an opportunity to move forward, now that we are no longer on the site. So many people came by the occupation, to camp, hang out and talk, or donate supplies, and so many other people have emailed or phoned us with expressions of support and solidarity. We would like to get to know all of you better, and discover ways we can work together on the HCBP and issues that others are involved with.
As we have made clear from the beginning of the occupation, this is about more than just the HCBP site, and there are so many interconnected issues and similar struggles that we are, or want to be, in active solidarity with. The success of the HCBP occupation helped restore faith in all of us that there are a lot of people out there who want to help make the world a better place, and who want to be a part of some kind of action that makes a difference. This event is one attempt to strategize together about where to go from here.
There will be many people coming to this event who are doing amazing work in Guelph, including people working to protect the land in other parts of the City, and others working on community food security and creating a sustainable way of life. There will also be people coming from the movement to stop Dump Site 41, as well as Land Defenders from Six Nations of the Grand River, and the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory (for some info see this support page).
Here’s some info:
Deepening our Roots: Developing Networks of Resistance in Guelph and Southern Ontario
Saturday, August 29, 11-4
Free, family friendly, childcare provided
Potluck lunch (please bring your own dishes, and don’t worry if you can’t bring any food)
Come share free food and take part in discussions on:
* developing networks that can support each other in protecting the land,
* working towards creating sustainable and free/autonomous communities, that can address our collective needs for food, medicine, shelter, and safety, without reliance on the industrial economy and the government,
* moving forward and broadening the scope of the efforts to prevent the HCBP,
and more.
Contact us by email at hcbpoccupation@gmail.com with any questions.
This event is open to contributions… if you would like to present on an issue you are working on, please get in touch! If you would like to distribute info, speak on an issue, or offer any other contribution, please get in touch, we are open to your ideas. This will be a fairly informal event, with time to socialize outside of prescribed workshop/discussion periods.
There is also a fundraising concert in Guelph on the 29th. Here's the info.
Also on August 29 – Fundraising concert at Ed Video, downtown Guelph:
Some good folks have organized a fundraising concert for Saturday August 29, the same day as the Deepening our Roots event, posted below. The concert’s funds will go towards legal fees.
Also on August 29 – Fundraising concert at Ed Video, downtown Guelph:
Some good folks have organized a fundraising concert for Saturday August 29, the same day as the Deepening our Roots event, posted below. The concert’s funds will go towards legal fees.
There will be speakers, and music from Phone Went West, 6:1, Kelly Rose, First Rate People, and more. Tickets $7 at the door, plus pay-what-you-can donations are welcome. Starts at 7pm, at Ed Video, 40 Baker St.
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