There's going to be a lot going on locally in the next couple of months. Get in on some of it before the mosquitoes make going out without body armour a life-threatening experience. Hey, it's not springtime in Paris, but some things will be quite interesting....
A. Wednesday, April 16, the Queer Radical Action and Discussion Group will be holding a meeting at 631 Main St. in the Spinstar Space(enter through the gate in the parking lot). Come at 7:00 pm. The event will be a potluck so bring along food. Vegan is appreciated.
B. Coming up this Thursday, April 17th, down at the Mondragon--The Pharmacists Improv Show. Imagination run wild.
C. This Saturday, April 19th, March Against The SPP. This demonstration against the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) will be held two days before the meeting of this summit in New Orleans. Molly guesses that the politicos have no sense of irony or they wouldn't hold such a meeting with such a title in New Orleans of all places. Security ?? Prosperity ?? Tell it to the people of that city and their diaspora scattered across the continent.
The demonstration will begin at 12:30 at the Forks (Oodena Celebration circle behind the Johnson Terminal) and will proceed to the Legislature building for the usual yap, yap. For more information contact or visit the Facebook site .
D. A couple of other things are also happening on the 19th....
-If you have a spare $20 you can sign up for "Emerging Energy Technologies for Manitoba" with the keynote speaker Tom Molinski from Manitoba Hydro. Also speaking are Bob Spensley from Sequoia Energy (Wind power), Eric Rempel of BEST Inc (Biomass energy)and Bill Grant of Homewood Solar and Wind. This rather corporate heavy list is sponsored by the Provincial Council of Women. To reserve a seat call 992-2751 or email . The seminar runs from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm.
-Less obviously business oriented and also free is the "Going Green Fair" at the Crestview United Church, 316 Hamilton Ave.. This runs from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and features "Organic Lawn Care" by the Manitoba Eco-Network and a "Composting Workshop" by Resource Conservation Manitoba. No admission charges but any donations will go to Neighbours Helping Neighbours.
E. On Tuesday, April 22, there will be a panel discussion on the planned "BiPole 3" high voltage transmission line that the Province now plans to build on the west side of Lake Winnipeg. "East/west or the Route Less Taken" will feature John Ryan, a retired professor of geography, who has presented his extensive research in the local media over the past few months. His point is that a power line buried on the floor of Lake Winnipeg would be both less expensive and less ecologically damaging than either the east or west side proposals. Also on the panel: James Blatz from the Dept. of Civil engineering, U. of M., Louis Young, former chief of the Bloodvein First nation and advisory member of the Taiga Rescue Network., Eric Robinson, Minister of Culture, Heritage and Tourism,and Don Sullivan of the Boreal forest Network.Time 7:00pm to 10:00pm. Place Eckhardt Gramatte Hall, University of Winnipeg. Free admission and all are welcome.
F. Sunday, April 27: Manitoba Earth Day at the Living Prairie Museum, 2795 Ness Ave., from 10:00am to 4:00pm. For more information contact or the site
G. Also on April 27th, The Winnipeg chapter of the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) will be holding a fundraising brunch from 11:00am to 3:00 pm down at the Mondragon, 91 Albert St.. This will be a kickoff for their Books to Prisoners program, so bring a soft cover book as a donation. Held in conjunction with the Winnipeg chapter of the Elizabeth Fry Society. Suggested donation $10 for the brunch.
H. Wednesday, April 30, there will be a screening of the film 'Crapshoot" , sponsored by the Manitoba Eco-Network. The film looks at our waste disposal system and possible alternatives. followed by a discussion. At 7:00 pm at the Park theatre, 698 Osborne St. South. Admission $8, students and low income $5. Tickets at door.
I. Thursday, May 1. It's Mayday ! The annual Mayday March will assemble at City Hall at 6:00 pm. For more information contact Glenn Michalchuk at 589-7840.
J. Tuesday, May 6th, the 6th annual Winnipeg 1919 General Strike Tour will begin with a film and presentation at the Duckworth Centre, Room 2D12, University of Winnipeg, followed by a guided bus tour to visit the locations of the major events of the General Strike. Tickets are $15 and include a light supper. Time is 4:30pm to 9:00 pm. For more info and to reserve a seat contact Steve Pataki at 988-7122 or at
K. Also on May 6: A book launch of "Renegades: Canadians in the Spanish Civil War" by Michael Petrou. Time 7:00 pm at McNally Robinson, Grant Park Mall. Free Admission. Come on out and argue with the commies and their lies.
L. Wednesday, May 7: A more congenial historical event. "Canadian Anarchist History", by Paul Burrows and Travis Tomchuk. Down at the Mondragon, 91 Albert St.. Time 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Discussion to follow.

A number of events put on by a diverse group of Winnipegers, held on Old Market Square, the A-Zone at 91 Albert St. and several art galleries on te downtown area.
Kicking off with a multi-venue Radical Art Exhibit at Artspace Building (100 Arthur St.), the Edge gallery (611 Main St.) and the A-Zone (91 Albert St.) on Thursday, May 8. The Friday following, May 9, will include a talk at APC activist Anna Hunter and a screening of the film '5 Ring Circus', all about opposition to the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. All of this down at Mondragon, first floor, 91 Albert St. The film will begin at 6:00 pm and Hunter will speak at 8:00 pm. The APC is a Vancouver anti-poverty organization campaigning against the upcoming Winter Olympics in 2010.
The night of the 9th will end with a "Rock for Rights" party at the Rudolf Rocker Cultural centre on the third floor of 91 Albert St. . Featuring Ian Larue & The Condor, the 1919 Insurrectionary Orchestra and others yet to be announced. The show starts at 9:00 pm and costs $5. Also, all weekend long the A-Zone will hold a fundraiser with the participation of all the groups. The height of this will be on Saturday, May 10, with a four floor party. Admission by donation. Various workshops will be held throughout the weekend at the A-Zone in conjunction with the Spirited Anarchy Festival. On Sunday, May 11, "Celebrating The May Days of '68" will take place at the Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre at 8:00 pm. Admission free but donations accepted. Presented by the Winnipeg New Socialist Group and the IWW Winnipeg Branch.
And then there's the heart of the event. On Saturday, May 10, there will be an open air bookfair in Old Market Square, just kitty corner to the A-Zone. Come on out and see local and out-of-town publishers, zinesters, etc. present their wares. Music will be provided by the Flaming trolleys Marching Band. It's a Winnipeg first. Don't miss it.
1 comment:
fyi, The Spirited Anarchy Festival website is:
The preliminary schedule is also posted on the Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre site, which is one of the main venues for the festival:
In solidarity.
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