On January 24 Mehedi Hasan, a field worker for the Washington D.C.- based 'Workers' Rights Consortium' , was arrested by the Bangladeshi security police. The Workers' Rights Consortium is affilaited with 178 U.S. univerities and colleges and has the mission to monitor compliance with labour rights codes of conduct in factories producing clothing for WRC-affiliated universities. The Consortium employs both international and local inspectors as monitors. Since January 12, 2007 the Bangladeshi government has banned political and trade union activities. Labor rights activists, both foreign and domestic have been under surveillance and have been arrested and imprisoned.
Since his arrest Mr. Hasan has been held incommunicado. His family is not allowed to visit him, and there are concerns for his safety. Labour rights groups across the world are calling for his release. The Labour Start organization has launched a campaign to petition the Bangladeshi government for his release. You can read more and join that campaign HERE. In addition the Clean Clothes Campaign has started a campaign for people to write to their embassies in the country of Bangladesh urging these foreign representatives to ask for Mr. Hassan's release. You can see more on that campaign HERE.
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