The German-based transnational corporation Metro Cash&Carry operates numerous outlets throughout Europe. At one of these, the Commercial Centre 16 in Kyiv, capital of Ukraine, a local of the independent union federation 'Protection of Labour' was formed last February 19th. Management has steadfastly refused to engage in collective bargaining with the union, as they are required to by law, and has spent the last year harassing union activists also in contradiction to the laws of Ukraine regarding workplace disputes. On December 12th the company fired one of the main union activists, Vladimir Demyan. Demyan was a technician for electrical installations and chair of the Protection of Labour Union. This union has called for worldwide support to pressure Cash & Carry to reinstate this man who was unjustly fired. To read more and see how you can join in this campaign go to an English language version of this story HERE at the Polish Centrum Informacji Anarchistycznej.
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