Being feline, Molly loves to chase tails, and here is a tale to chase this night...three anarchist magazines, one well established, one coming to issue number 2 and another yet to be born. Let's begin with the oldest sister first. Cause Commune is the French language journal and agitational of NEFAC in Quebec. This is issue number 18 for them, and as previously their journal is available as a downloadable pdf at the NEFAC website. Lots of meat in this serving. A summary:
*90e anniversaire des èmeutes de la conscription à Québec (90th anniversary of the conscription riots in Quebec).
*Perspectives libertaires:Retour sur la grève(Return to the strike)
*L'anarchie de "A" à "Z": "Q" comme Quartier (Anarchy from A to Z: Q as in Quartier
*Cause commune (their magazine of course)
*Dommages collatéraux (Collateral damages)
*Campagne contre le recruitment (Counter recruitment campaign)
*Cinéma: le peuple invisible (Cinema: the invisible people)
*Sur les lignes, une chronique syndicale (On the lines, a union chronicle)
*Critique de livre: Le mouvement étudiant au Québec de 1983 à 2006(Book review :The student movement in Quebec from 1983 to 2006)
*Avortement au Québec: libre et gratuit ? (this is Molly`s favourite because it ends up in a pun in English ie Abortion in Quebec: free and free. Two different words in French, two meanings of the same word in English.
Anyways, on to the younger sister. Linchpin is the new magazine put out by the Common Cause people in Ontario. Soon after issue # 1 they have now come out with issue #2. With the same high quality as the first issue Linchpin explores a number of new issues this time around:
*Let 'em Stay' (a report on war resisters from the USA trying for asylum in Canada)
*Why We Publish (the goals of publishing their paper)
*Panhandling Street Unions (a report on the IWW-organized Ottawa Panhandlers Union and on panhandlers unions in general)
*From Service Hell to the Revolt of the Precarious(organizing in the service section, the difficulties and the opportunities. Examples of what has already been done)
*Sound of da Police (the police as enforcers of class rule)
*Graphic Novels: Through the Blog of War (Review of a graphic novel about a dystopic land of endless war not too far in the future)
*Spoken Word: Slamming Capital (Review of a poetry album from Ottawa)
*Challenging Corporate Media (alternatives to mass media)
The magazine is also available in a downloadable pdf format from the Linchpin website. Print it out and pass it around, ninety nine bottles of truth on the wall.
Finally a sister yet to be born. Seems that the NEAN (North Eastern Anarchist Network) has decided to launch a new journal, the Nor' Easter. They say it will "provide an outlet for anarchist related news and events while simultaneously introducing non-anarchists to anarchism and plugging them into the movement". The date for the first issue is March, and the people involved are looking for articles between 800 and 1000 words by February 9th. You can send submissions to noreaster-submissions@neanarchist.net before the 9th. Suggested topics include reports from anarchist events and actions, an introduction to anarchism, anarchist theory, introductions to NEAN-affiliated groups, and current events. Articles need not be directly related to anarchism, but should be of interest to anarchists. The magazine will include a calender of events, local and otherwise, so let them know if you have anything that might be of interest. They'd also like to hear from people who could translate the Nor'Easter into languages other than English. I'm unable to say whether this paper will be available in a pdf format, but I truly hope so. Not to be confused with the NEFAC magazine, the North Eastern Anarchist, the Nor'Easter seems to be less of an exclusively platformist production, though its inspiration is unabashedly "social anarchist". See their website for more details.
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