As anarchism matures beyond the juvenile posturing of subcultures, post-leftism and primitivism it increasingly finds that "structure" ie "organization" is an important and necessary component of what it does, particularly as the "informal" alternative almost always contains the sort of power relations that anarchism claims to be against. here's an announcement of an upcoming meeting in Ottawa where the Peoples' Global Action has decided to confront this question, using Jo Freeman's classic text 'The Tyranny of Structurelessness' as basis. No doubt those who wish that the new anarchism remain immature and exploitable will be displeased.
Canada, Ottawa, PGA* STRUCTURE MEETING - Steping away from The Tyranny of Structurelessness
4:30pm, Saturday, May 24th,
ODLC Boardroom 5th Floor,
280 Metcalfe St. @ Gilmour
Though (this version of) PGA has been operating within a more or less "unstructured" framework for a year now it is clear that un-named and un-acknowledged structures DO exist within the organization and that these forms of structure are often very hard to challenge or change.
-- That is why PGA will be dedicating a whole meeting to examine where we are at, where we are going and how we want to get there.
--- As a means of encouraging fruitful discussion, here's a link to an article by Jo Freeman called The Tyranny of Structurelessness: http://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm
This meeting will be for PGA organizers and participants, but the first hour of the meeting will also be open to folks who have never been a part of PGA but would like to say something to the organization, either criticisms or props(I guess this means "proposals"-Molly).
We have started to work on an agenda for the meeting, anything that you would like added to this agenda should be sent to the list no later than May 23rd.
Currently, we'll be discussing things like:
-roles and responsibilities (as well as decision making)
-purpose of pga bloc-use of 2010 network (regional organising)
So come on out on Saturday, May 24th, and bring your ideas for building PGA Ottawa into the well-financed, community-involved fighting force it has the potential to become.
Abolish the SPP!
Shut Down the G8!
No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!
* An antiauthoritarian anticapitalist international network
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