Spring turns to summer and down east way secret government documents keep blooming in all the darndest places. But there are open and public anti-government documents for all to see at the anarchist bookfairs held across the land from spring until late fall. The Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair is coming up soon- June 14- and if you're down that way try and drop by for a visit. Here's the Bookfair's latest update, with a list of vendors confirmed so far.
Fellow underdogs unite in underdog city for a day of workshops, discussion, networking and of course literature!
---- Date: June 14, 2008
--- Time: 10am - 4pm
---- Place: Westdale Highschool 700 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8S1A5
---- June 14th marks the day that the Common Cause Hamilton local will be hosting our first Anarchist Book Fair. In a city with a vibrant history of working class struggle such as Hamilton, the Book Fair presents a unique opportunity for people coming together to network,learn and build community.The Hamilton Anarchist Book Fair is a one day event being held at Westdale Secondary School at 700 Main St. West, just outside downtown.
The day will kick off at 10am and go until 4pm. Radical bookstores,publishers and collectives will fill the cafeteria space of the school while the Hamilton Food Not Bombs chapter will be providing free vegetarian meals. Admission is free or by donation (pay what you can)and child care is provided.
Over 20 vendors have confirmed so far and we expect the number to grow as the date approaches. So far they include Exile Infoshop, Red and Black Notes, Upping the Anti, Thoughtcrime ink, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP), Great Worm Express Distro, Empowerment Infoshop, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Insurgence Records, Rebel Time Records, Free Society Distro, Internationalist Notes, Free Society Distribution, Anti-War At Laurier, Incite Distro,and others.(See bottom of page for complete list with descriptions)
We have three workshops/panels featuring a number of experienced organizers and activists involved in a wide range of struggles. A member of the Ireland-based Revolutionary Anarcha-feminist Group (RAG)and a local feminist activist from the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 3906 will lead a discussion on radical feminist organizing.
The IWW Toronto, the president of Hamilton-based U.S. Steelworkers(USW) 1005 and an organizer with the Migrant Workers Resource Centre will speak on the challenges of organizing workers in the 21st century.
The third workshop focuses on indigenous struggles in Ontario. Several regional solidarity groups (including Hamilton Solidarity With Six Nations, Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement-Guelph, the Tyendinaga Support committee) and a Six Nations organizer (tentative) from Caledonia will be on hand to lead the discussion.
A schedule will be provided as soon as all details are confirmed. Anyone interested in anarchism and radical politics, or are just curious, should not miss this opportunity to learn more about it and meet others who want to fight for a new world. Potential distributors: there is no tabling charge and there is still room available. Please contact us ASAP if you wish to table at the bookfair.
Contact: hamiltonanarchistbookfair@gmail.com
Download a PDF file of the poster from
Ride board:
Accomodations board:
*Exile Infoshop
The EXILE Infoshop opened May Day 2007 as Ottawa's first-ever (that we know of) Infoshop with an actual, physical space. We are a radical and activist resource center, library and bookstore, though we also intend to sell some local art and vegan goodies. We're working to become a central networking space for local grassroots projects and organizations in the city.
*thoughcrime ink
thoughtcrime ink is a non-profit, anti-capitalist apparel collective.So just what is an anti-capitalist organization doing selling t-shirts, anyway? Through sales of our activist- and politically-themed products that are union printed, "sweatshop free,"and US/Canadian made, we hope to create a significant self-sustaining fund for activist groups. All profits from the sale of thoughtcrime ink merch go directly to grass roots groups in Edmonton that are actively working towards a better tomorrow.
*Empowerment Infoshop
Empowerment' is a volunteer-run radical community centre dedicated to providing the tools, resources, and space for the grassroots organizing of environmental action and positive social change. We at Empowerment are proud to be part of a global network of Infoshops, autonomous spaces, projects & people dreaming and working for a better world, and are committed to helping Londoners become better global citizens through our information and action campaigns, alternative media resources, and fair trade.
*Red and Black Notes
Red & Black Notes is a libertarian socialist project based in Toronto, Canada. The focus of the project is twofold : To circulate information from a libertarian socialist perspective, both current and historical, and to provide a forum for discussion of those issues.
*Global Aware Independent Media
Global Aware is a collective of journalists, photographers, writers,graphic designers, web professionals and concerned individuals working towards environmental justice and social change.
*Great Worm Express Distribution
Ride across the cultural dessert! "Great Worm Express Distribution sells various types of independent media. The focus is on zines, however I also sell music, and I have plans to sell books and videos in the future."
*Upping the Anti
Upping the Anti is a radical journal of theory and action which provides a space to address and discuss unresolved questions and dynamics within the anti-capitalist, anti-oppression, and anti-imperialist politics of today's radical left in Canada.
*Internationalist Notes
Journal of the Internationalist Workers Group.
*Rebuild Distro
Rebuild printing offers a variety of block prints on fabrics and paper as well as radical disability zines and comic books.
*Free Society Distribution
Distributes a large collection of zines, books, cds, vinyls and more.
*Insurgence Records
Class-struggle punk and hardcore record label. Albums are literature too!
*Rebel Time Records
Featuring music and merch from bands that "sound like the soundtrack to your next (molotov) cocktail party (figuratively speaking of course.)"
*The Factory Line
Art and radical politics combined: music, films, literature from independent artists.
*Incite Distro
A new local distributor of counter culture music, movies, books and magazines. Featuring titles from PM Press, AK Press as well as punk magazines, political music, and more.
*Skydragon Centre Zine Distro
A large collection of zines from the Skydragon Centre's zine library.
*Sarah's Poetry Zine
Poetry and zines, a perfect match.
*AW@L (Anti-War at Laurier)
AW@L is a former working group of Laurier Students Public Interest Research Group and an active student activist group at Wilfrid Laurier University dedicated to peace and the struggle against the imperial war machine. We are striving to bring attention to War Issues in the Kitchener-Waterloo region and to bring about positive change for peace.
*Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)
OCAP is a direct-action anti-poverty organization based in Toronto,Ontario, Canada. We mount campaigns against regressive government policies as they affect poor and working people. In addition, we provide direct-action advocacy for individuals against eviction,termination of welfare benefits, and deportation. We believe in the power of people to organize themselves.We believe in the power of resistance.
*The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)
"The working class and the employing class have nothing in common.There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the working people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life. Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the means of production, abolish the wage system, and live in harmony with the Earth."
*Common Cause
Common Cause is an Ontario anarchist organization that wants to see anarchists active in every town, neighborhood and workplace across Ontario. And they have a pretty cool newspaper and pamphlet collection too.
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