Are you stuck in the depths of Toronto the somewhat good on alternative days of the week that begin with a "T" ? Can't make it to the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair this weekend ? Why not check out this event in support of Mohawk activist Shawn Brant. Here's the skivvy.
Punchclock Showcase No. 2: Shawn Brant Is No Criminal!
Two Days of Art and Music in Support of Indigenous Sovereignty and the Tyendinaga Legal Defense Fund
Friday, May 16 and Saturday, May 17, 2008
Time: Gallery open for viewing daily at 11 am
Friday Night Music: doors at **9 pm** *(19 +)
Saturday Night Music: doors at **8 pm** (All ages)
Where: Whippersnapper Gallery, 587A College Street
Admission: free during the day; evening shows $5 - $15 sliding scale
Punchclock Launches Showcase No. 2:** ** Shawn Brant Is No Criminal!*
Shawn Brant Is No Criminal! presents works by emerging, outsider, and established artists in diverse media, interpreting themes of anti-colonial resistance, indigenous sovereignty, and silencing through sentencing. Artists whose work will be featured in the showcase include *David Morrisseau*,*Branko*, *Nidal El-Khairy*, *Angela Steritt*, *Riel Manywounds*, *Luis Jacob*, *Schuster Gindin*, Alana Svilainis, Gord Hill, Tania Willard, *Ibrahim Shalaby*, Gabrielle L'hirondelle, Fancy Gordon Zero, Christopher Cubitt-Cooke, and an array of infamous Punchclockers, including*Michael Comeau*, *Rockey Dobey, Shannon Muegge, Agata Mrozowski* and*Stefan Pilipa*.
Showcase No. 2 will also feature two evening performances by three generations of Toronto's most solid musicians. Friday's opening night show will feature performances by an eclectic mix of the best independent musicians in Toronto- *ANAGRAM*, *Nif-D*, and *$100*. Saturday's All Ages show presents *The Phonemes*, *Bob Wiseman*, and *Richard Laviolette*, followed by DJs and dancing late into the night.
Money raised will go to the legal defense fund of Mohawk Activist Shawn Brant and to the quarry reclamation site . Like seven other First Nations leaders across Ontario who have opposed non-native mining on indigenous land, Brant is currently being held in jail. Singled out for taking part in rail blockades during a national day of action last June, he is facing up to twelve years of incarceration and a multi-million dollar civil suit laid against him by CN Rail. "Shawn Brant is part of the current Canada-wide struggle to expose unsettled land claims, and native poverty, which have been misplaced on the desks of power, and buried in a century of colonial haggling," says Shannon Muegge. "He's also our friend, and has supported and inspired us over the past decade."
This weekend long event will also feature live hair cutting by donation, live portrait drawings, also by donation, live screen printing on your clothes, again, by donation and this workshop: Workshop: Saturday May 16th, 5pm - 7pm, Whippersnapper Gallery Tyendinaga: Criminalizing the Struggle for Self-Determination Presented by members of the Tyendinaga Support Committee
An in-depth look at recent developments in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory to understand what indigenous nations fighting for their land, and the right to self determination, are facing when they take a stand.
Participants will gain an understanding of the history and struggle of Tyendinaga Mohawks and the insane legal implications for community leaders. We will discuss the web of injustice maintained by federal heel-dragging in a land claim process, resource extraction legislation that allows the land to be gutted and stripped in the meantime, and an OPP dominated media circuit feeding the public the same old racist messaging.
Join us for this discussion and to learn about ongoing support initiatives and ways to get involved.
The Punchclock Collective is a trans-disciplinary democratic organization of cultural workers, political activists and trades people operating out of two hives functioning as collective metal and screen-printing studios. Their mandates are economic sustainability and artistic direct action. Punchclock Showcase No.1, held last December, featured poster art from the Print Shop, and acts like Final Fantasy, Castle Music and Kids On TV.
David Morrisseau: *http://www.davidmorrisseau.com*
Luis Jacob: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Jacob
Riel Manywounds: http://www.no2010.com/node/128
Ibrahim Shalaby: http://www.jorpalart.com/
Artists of the Punchclock collective: http://www.punchclock.org/workers
Richard Laviolette: http://www.myspace.com/richardlavioletteforprimeminister
The Phonemes: http://www.myspace.com/thephonemes
Bob Wiseman: *http://www.myspace.com/bobwiseman*
ANAGRAM: http://www.myspace.com/anagram
**Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
10 Britain St.
Toronto, ON
M5A 1R6
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