Today was an international day of action for the IWW Starbucks Union and their supporters. Around the world there were rallies against the international coffee giant, demanding the right to unionize and obtain decent wages and working conditions. The following item is the callout from the main page of the IWW. Further details of the actions will follow on said site.
May 17: Commemorate The 4th Anniversary Of The Starbucks Union And Honor Dr. King
On May 17, join the IWW Starbucks Workers Union and allies around the world to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the union's founding in a Day of Action.
2008 is the 40th anniversary of the slaying of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., felled by a sniper's bullet as he stood in solidarity with sanitation workers striking for the right to form a labor union.
On May 17, join the IWW Starbucks Workers Union and allies around the world to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the union's founding in a Day of Action.
2008 is the 40th anniversary of the slaying of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., felled by a sniper's bullet as he stood in solidarity with sanitation workers striking for the right to form a labor union.
As a rabidly anti-union, poverty wage employer, Starbucks represents the unbridled greed and exploitation that King opposed. Indeed, the Starbucks Corporation demeans Dr. King's legacy by treating his federal holiday like a second-class occasion as it fails to pay the premium it pays on several other holidays on Dr. King's day. If Starbucks is really interested in "embracing diversity", it can start by respecting Dr. King's holiday.
Since it’s founding on May 17, 2004, the Industrial Workers of the World campaign at Starbucks has spread around the country with new workers joining the campaign every week. Support has poured in from around the world and important gains in wages and working conditions have been won through direct action, grassroots pressure, media advocacy, and legal filings.
A recent Labor Board trial exposed the underbelly of Starbucks' massive anti-union operation as replete with illegal spying, discrimination, terminations, and much more. Yet, Starbucks' relentless union busting, carried out in association with corporate law firm Akin Gump and public relations firm Edelman, continues on with impunity.
Take action in your community on May 17th to ensure Starbucks stops disrespecting Dr. King's holiday and stops demeaning his selfless final act of solidarity with workers seeking to vindicate the right to form a labor union. A Starbucks Union-MLK flyer is available for download here.
Contact M17 Coordinator Vallan Anundson, at 571.276.1935 or disillpow (at) riseup.net,to let us know you're participating or for more information.
Originally posted at www.starbucksunion.org
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General Distribution Workers Industrial Union 660
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