The Halifax Free Skool Collective is an informal collective of people based in Halifax Nova Scotia that believes that education should be self-education and non-hierarchical. They feel that everyone should be both teacher and student. Here's an announcement about their latest activities.
FreeSkool Updates
Hey all! So, we're back from Montreal, and ready for another Free Skool weekend in Halifax! We will be running workshops on the 31st (that's this Saturday!) at the North Branch Library on Gottingen, from 11AM to 4PM. The final schedule looks somethin' like this:
11:15 - Vegetarianism & Veganism, a hows & whys talk facilitated by Carla Fraser
12:30 - How to Make Your Own Soy Milk & More, by Jasmine Marsh
1:45 - Mental Health, Radical Alternatives, and Antipsychiatry, facilitated by Ian Matheson (Part 2 of a 2-part discussion series)and
3:00 - A Discussion on Polyamory by Aaron Doncaster & Jasmine Marsh
There will be, as always, free food + coffee provided, and childcare is available! Also, starting this weekend we will have some small 'zines and patches available by donation, as well as MP3 CDs of past workshops and maybe more if we get productive!
After this, workshops will run on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month, at the Library UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN AN EMAIL NOTIFICATION. We are looking to run outdoor workshops as summer progresses, and notification of these will be posted here and hopefully on future posters around HRM. Otherwise, the North Library will be the de-facto location for workshop days.
Tonight (Wednesday!) there is also a general meeting at the Crow's Nest of the Anchor Archive at 7PM - all are welcome, feel free to come by to get an idea of what happens behind the scenes, and get involved!
Furthermore, we are getting ready to possibly start hosting monthly discussion groups on various topics, if there is community interest. There has been demand for workshops on bike repair, and interest in continuing the discussions on radical mental health, alternatives, and antipsychiaty. These will run outside of regular workshop hours (ie. not 11-4 biweekly at the library), and will continue more or less indefinitely. If anyone is interested in taking part in, facilitating, or otherwise getting involved in these discussion groups then let us know, or come out to tonight's meeting! We will do our best to accommodate different schedules and locations.
Thanks all, and hopefully we'll see you out this Saturday!
-- Thanks, -
The Halifax Free Skool Collective
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