The second volume of Lucien Van Der Walt and Michael Schmidt's (both of the South African Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front) history of global anarchism is now available from AK Press. Here are the details.
Vol2 of Global Fire released
Second volume of Lucien van der Walt and Michael Schmidt's monumental history of class struggle anarchism and syndicalism has been published.
Global Fire: 150 Fighting Years of International Anarchism and Syndicalism (Counter-Power Vol 2):by Lucien Van Der Walt (Author), Michael Schmidt (Author)
RRP: £18.00Product details
* Paperback: 500 pages
Second volume of Lucien van der Walt and Michael Schmidt's monumental history of class struggle anarchism and syndicalism has been published.
Global Fire: 150 Fighting Years of International Anarchism and Syndicalism (Counter-Power Vol 2):by Lucien Van Der Walt (Author), Michael Schmidt (Author)
RRP: £18.00Product details
* Paperback: 500 pages
* Publisher: AK Press (1 May 2008)
* Language English
* ISBN-10: 1904859682
* ISBN-13: 978-1904859680
This second volume of Schmidt and van der Walt's two-part history of the non-Marxist, libertarian form of socialism, brings a look at anarchism as it has been practised around the world - and indeed how it provides a living political philosophy for a growing number of people across the planet today. The authors offer a comprehensive global history of Anarchist Mass Organisation between 1860 and the 1930s arranged geographically and covering the well known, like the Spanish Revolution, as well as the lesser documented histories of China, Japan, Australia, the Caribbean - a truly international analysis of a world-wide movement. With further sections on the Spanish Revolution; World War II; the Cold War era and Neo-liberalism they bring the history up-to-date and finish with reflections on Anarchism in the New Millennium. Alive and kicking!
(taken from amazon.uk description)
This second volume of Schmidt and van der Walt's two-part history of the non-Marxist, libertarian form of socialism, brings a look at anarchism as it has been practised around the world - and indeed how it provides a living political philosophy for a growing number of people across the planet today. The authors offer a comprehensive global history of Anarchist Mass Organisation between 1860 and the 1930s arranged geographically and covering the well known, like the Spanish Revolution, as well as the lesser documented histories of China, Japan, Australia, the Caribbean - a truly international analysis of a world-wide movement. With further sections on the Spanish Revolution; World War II; the Cold War era and Neo-liberalism they bring the history up-to-date and finish with reflections on Anarchism in the New Millennium. Alive and kicking!
(taken from amazon.uk description)
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