The following is for our American readers as it is an exclusively American campaign. It is a campaign for public awareness and support on the part of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union against the expansion of the Tesco grocery chain into the USA under the name of 'Fresh and Easy'. This anti-union conglomerate has a horrible record on everything from food safety and the environment to the treatment of its workers, and it has been referred to as "the Wal-Mart of Britain". Go to the references given in the appeal below, and sign up for their petition if you are a resident of the USA.
We need your help to stop the next Wal-Mart
A new non-union grocery chain called Fresh & Easy is opening in communities throughout Southern California, Nevada and Arizona.
What’s different about this non-union grocery chain is that Fresh & Easy is owned by Tesco, one of the largest and most aggressive corporations in the world. Tesco is known as the "Wal-Mart of Britain" and they’re now opening stores in the United States under the name Fresh & Easy.
Tesco has refused to meet with UFCW leaders, and just like Wal-Mart, they want their stores to be non-union.
Tesco has already opened over 60 stores and are planning to open a further 150 by the end of the year. We cannot afford another company like Wal-Mart in our communities. Here’s what you can do:
Go to FreshandEasyFacts.com today to sign the pledge not to shop at Fresh & Easy.
Tell all your friends and family to sign the pledge not to shop at Fresh & Easy.
We are always stronger when we stand together!
Please go to FreshandEasyFacts.com to learn more, and share this important information with your family and friends.
The Fresh & Easy Facts Team
Fresh and Easy Facts is a project of grocery workers, food industry professionals and the United Food and Commercial Workers.
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