Another day, another last minute appeal. The following appeal for picket line solidarity with the locked out workers at the TD Centre in downtown Toronto comes from the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP). These workers who have been locked out by their employer Cadillac Fairview are members of the CEP Union Local 2003. They have also set up a strike solidarity page on Facebook, and are asking people to participate in a boycott of TD malls (see the Facebook page).
TODAY: Call out for Picket Line Support - Friday December 4th:
Please forward widely...
*Call out for Picket Line Support *
*Friday December 4th 4.30 to 5.30 p.m. *
*Support the CF61*
*Toronto Dominion Centre - Bay & Wellington (south of King)
*This picket line support is being called to join the locked out CEP members- the Cadillac Fairview 61 (CF61). These 61 workers were locked out by their employer, Cadillac Fairview, this past June. This happened after months of trying to reach a new collective agreement with the employer.Workers and their union were fighting off major concessions, including layoffs and workers having to re-apply for their very own jobs.
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