There's less than 2 months to go until the 2010 Winter Olympics open out in BC, but the protests against these corporate give-away games haven't abated. Here's a raft of info, in the tradition of Christmas, with the ghost of protest past, the ghost of protest present and the ghost of protest yet to come. All from the Olympic Resistance Network.
Speaking Tour, Torch updates, Meetings:
* ORN General Meeting (open to all!) will now be every Sunday, beginning in January 2010, 6pm @ Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings
* ORN General Meeting (open to all!) will now be every Sunday, beginning in January 2010, 6pm @ Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings
* 2010 Welcoming Committee: Wed Dec 30 7:00 pm at SFU Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings. Meeting to plan a broad-based mobilization on Feb 12, 2010, the day of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies.
1) Updated Speaking Tours in Jan (BC, Washington, California) OLYMPIC TORCH DISRUPTIONS!
2) Release: Torch being Disrupted Across Canada!
3) Torch blocked at Six Nations (Interviews and Reports)
4) Video of Banner Drop in Kingston during Torch ceremonies
5) Toronto Disrupts the Torch (Video, Photos, Report back)
6) Blockade forces Torch to divert from Oneida First Nation
7) Updated ORN Callout to Extinguish the Olympic Torch NATIONAL CALL TO ACTION AGAINST OLYMPIC SPONSORS
8) 2010 Olympic Sponsors: Blood on your hands EVENTS (including other cities):
9) Kitchener: Series of events against the Olympic Torch Relay
10) Disrupt the Olympic Torch in Stratford!
11) Protest against Torch Relay Calgary12) Anti Olympic Events in Portland
13) Disrupt the Torch in Guelph!
No Olympics on Stolen Native Land Speaking TourBritish Columbia and US West Coast - Two tours during January 2010
Greetings, As you may be aware, in February 2010, Vancouver BC, unceded Coast Salish Territories, will be the host city for the 2010 Winter Olympics. The effects of the upcoming Winter Games are increasingly apparent expansion of sport tourism on Indigenous lands; increasing homelessness across the province and especially in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside; misdirected public spending and debt; vulnerable working conditions especially for migrant labour; unprecedented destruction of the environment; and unparalleled police and security spending.
Beginning in January 2010, we will travel down through so-called BC -unceded Indigenous lands - as well as the west coast of the US to conduct two separate speaking tours on resistance to the 2010 Olympics, to share our experiences, and to promote the Feb 10-15 anti-colonial & anti-capitalist convergence. The purpose of this letter is to find people/groups in these areas to assist in local organizing of speaking events for our tour. The events will feature a speaker from the movement. We would also bring materials such as leaflets and Tshirts to distribute and fundraise with, as well as videos we have produced for screenings. A template poster will be provided if you would like to use it.
Specifically, you will have to secure a venue for the event (community centre, university, union hall etc), provide billeting, and put $100-$200 (flexible) towards overall travel costs. No event is too small or meaningless for us!
1) BC TOUR INFO In BC, we aim to arrive in towns and communities just prior to the arrival of the Torch in these communities to help build local resistance to the Torch relay. For more information on the torch route, check out the interactive map found on www.vancouver2010.com .
* Specifically we are looking to host the following events as part of our speaking tour:
- Kelowna Jan 14
- Penticton Jan 15
- Nelson Jan 16
- Castlegar Jan 17
- Golden Jan 18
- Merritt, Kamloops, Salmon Arm or Vernon: Jan 19-20
- Nanaimo: Jan 22
- Comox Valley: Jan 23
- Powell River: Jan 24
* Day trips on any Saturday or Sunday in January:
- Squamish, Gibson, Lillooet, Abottsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Pemberton, Sechelt, others.
2) US WEST COAST TOUR INFO In the US, we hope to confirm events in LA, Bay Area, San Diego, Santa Cruz etc between Jan 19-25 (as close to Jan 19th as possible), starting in San Francisco.
If you can help out with this, please respond ASAP or by December 28th at the latest so we can confirm final details. Thank you in advance and we look forward to your response! The tour email is ORN.tour@gmail.com .Please forward all correspondence regarding the tour to that email address.
About Olympic Resistance Network: http://olympicresistance.net
Anti-Olympic Protesters bring their message of resistance across Canada;Olympic Torch shamed.
Monday, December 21 2009, Vancouver Unceded Coast Salish Territories-Protesters are bringing their anti-Olympic message with chants of “No Olympics on Stolen Native Land”, “Get your torch off our land, we don’t want your Olympic scam” and “2010 Homes not 2010 Games” across Canada. In many instances, activists have successfully disrupted the Torch Relay, forcing delays and route cancellations, with at least four arrests associated with anti-Torch related actions. Today, Six Nations community members have declared that the Olympic Torch will not pass through their territory. A Declaration by the Onkwehonwe (people) of the Grand River Territory states “This land is not conquered.We are not Canadian… We hereby affirm our peaceful opposition to the entry and progression of the 2010 Olympic torch into and through our territory.”(Visit: http://6nsolidarity.wordpress.com or No2010@peaceculture.org for media interviews).
In the coming weeks, dissenters are also expected to converge in Kitchener, Calgary, Edmonton, Stratford, and Guelph. In Toronto over 250 people took to the streets on December 17, blocking major intersections and forcing the cancellation of the Torch in parts of downtown Toronto. A banner dropped directly across the stage read “Gego Olympics Da-Te-Snoon Nishnaabe-Giing Ga-Gmooding” (“No Olympics on Stolen Native Land” in Anishinaabemowin). (Visit http://torontotorch.blogspot.com or email torchblock@gmail.com )
At least four communities in the province of Quebec have opposed the Torch Relay: Sept-Iles, Montreal, Kanahwake First Nations, and Quebec City. In Montreal, over 200 people converged and delayed the relay as well as the main ceremonies and concert. (Visit: http://www.amp-montreal.net).
On October 30, over 400 people gathered to oppose the Torch Relay launch in Victoria. An Anti-Olympics Festival and Zombie March succeeded in disrupting the relay. Security personnel were forced to extinguish the torch, load it in a van, and reroute it. (Visit http://no2010victoria.net or no2010victoria@gmail.com ). Actions have also occurred in cities as diverse as Comox Valley, Kingston, Halifax, Ottawa, and St. John's. With the number of protesters equaling or exceeding spectators, dissatisfaction with the 2010 Winter Olympics is growing across Canada.
According to a November 2009 Angus-Reid poll, over 30% of B.C. residents feel the Olympics will have a negative impact and almost 40% of residents support the protesters. Protesters note that the Olympics are not simply about the athletes; rather the corporate Games are leaving a legacy of displacement, militarization, and repression. Public funds invested by all levels of government are nearing $7 billion. According to the Olympic Resistance Network, “While Olympic corporate sponsors are getting bailed out, Indigenous lands are being stolen, people are becoming homeless, thousands are losing their jobs and access to public services, the environment is being destroyed, and civil liberties are being eroded with almost a billion dollars sunk into surveillance. The negative Olympic legacy is turning into an anti-Olympic legacy of resistance across the country.”
Social justice activists also believe that the Olympic Torch is a $25 million propaganda tool for corporate sponsors who have some of the worst social and environmental practices. The Royal Bank of Canada has been under fire for its financing of the environmentally devastating Alberta Tar Sands, while Coca Cola has been responsible for massive depletion of groundwater and toxic waste pollution in India.
– 30 –
For media quotes visit: http://olympicresistance.net/content/media
* Independent media:
Activists Divert the Olympic Torch from the Heart of the Grand RiverTerritory, Six Nations (with photos):
http://6nsolidarity.wordpress.com/2009/12/21/diversion-of-olympic-torch-on-six-nations/ Olympic Torch Relay Stopped at Six Nations
* Videos: Interview w Six Nations spokespersons
Lyndsey Bomberry:
Interview with youth activist Melissa Elliott
* Mainstream media: http://www.ctvolympics.ca/torch/news/newsid=23376.html
http://www.cbc.ca/canada/windsor/story/2009/12/22/chatham-torch-relay-091222.html Declaration of the Onkwehonwe of Grand River Territory on the 2010 olympic torch relay
Sunday, December 13th, 2009 Being Onkwehonwe (people) of the Grand River Territory, we strive to uphold our responsibilities as stewards of the land; and to the coming faces. In accordance with our responsibilities we declare: This land is not conquered. We are not canadian. Our ancestors have fought for 500 years to ensure this. Therefore asserting our sovereignty we declare that Canada and their Six Nations band council has no authority over our territory. This authority rests with the Onkwehonwe (people).
On August 20th at a Six Nations Parks & Recreation department led community meeting, Onkwehon we present reached consensus that the torch was not welcome through our territory. Canada has ignored the voice of the Onkwehonwe, but this decision has not been forgotten. As supporters of the people and with respect to all our relations we hereby affirm our peaceful opposition to the entry and progression of the 2010 olympic torch into and through our territory. In accordance with the Two-Row Wampum treaty we further invite any progression of the torch to proceed around the boundaries of the heart of our Grand River territory.
The 2010 olympics and torch relay do not reflect the principles of the Great Law of Peace; a law that prioritizes life and land. We honor Etinoha (Mother Earth) because she gives us life and we are bound to sustaining that life cycle. Due to the corporate and state led destruction of indigenous lands and life, we acknowledge the impacts the 2010 olympics are having on the Onkwehonwe (people). We honor the call for solidaritywith those Onkwehonwe (peoples) of the territories affected by the olympics and the destructive legacy of manifest destiny.
This is not an attack on athleticism or sports; we feel that our legacy of athleticism is not being honored, a legacy which has been rooted in our traditions and spirituality for time immemorial. Onkwehonwe participation in the olympic torch relay affirms Canada’s attempt to hide the negative image they have in the international arena for their treatment of the Onkwehonwe (peoples). This has been proven in Canada’s refusal to sign the UN declaration of the rights of indigenous peoples, refusal to uphold our treaties including the two row wampum, ongoing land claims, the effects of the residential school legacy and the continuing issues of violence against our women and children.
Through our opposition to the torch relay, we seek to enlighten and educate others of the corruption created by this façade of peace and unity with Onkwehonwe (peoples) that the olympics exhibit. We recognize that the benefit of any participation in these olympics is temporary, however the impacts will be long lasting and destructive. In the spirit of peace and in honor of our Coming Faces, Hoskanigetah (Men’s Fire), Ahgongweh (Women’s Fire), Grand River Onkwehonwe youth & other concerned people
Video of Kingston Banner Drop Video of banner drop during torch ceremony in Kingston: at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38ZYx7IQRoA
Contact: kingstontorch@gmail.com
Over 250 people took to the streets Thursday night to welcome the Olympic Torch with a resounding: “No Olympics on Stolen Native Land” Enthusiastic folks met up at 5:15 at College & University, gathering around a 15 foot homemade torch of our own, banners reading “Resist 2010 for the land”, “No 2010 Torch” and sharing in some homemade food.
Organizers from Six Nations read the Declaration of the Onkwehonwe of Grand River Territory on the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay, Doreen Silversmith also from Six Nations spoke about how the attacks on women are attacks on the land and Mark C. from ARA spoke of Indigenous Youth rising up and taking power. Messages of Solidarity were delivered by No One Is Illegal-Toronto, No Games Toronto and Kitchener-Waterloo’s own Torch Welcoming Committee. Grounding the crowd in the reasons we were here: to decry Canada’s colonial violence and expose the lies of Olympics Circus, chants began that would ring through Toronto all night.
While the cold seeped, our MC got the crowd jumping and amped to go meet the torch. Anticipating the torch taking a lil’ streetcar ride, people took to College Street. The first line of bike cops at College and Elizabeth set up as we began a fluid game of cat and mouse. Our people took some surprise routes towards Yonge and Gerrard where we regrouped and faced a row of riots cops, holding the intersection. We gathered at the line of cops and turned back suddenly, going North, walking up Yonge St. to meet the Torch.
At Yonge and College we ran into the crowds there to cheer on the Torch some of whom started booing and hissing. We handed out thousands of pieces of ORN and No2010 literature and some people even joined our action. One onlooker pushed over our speaker. The horses arrived and tried to split us in two but that failed. Then a small group stayed back at Yonge and College, while the rest of the street party walked North, slowing to regroup and coming closer to the Torch. At Yonge and Maitland, we decided to stop and hold it, as people from the back rushed to join us. With messages streaming in that the media were reporting we had blocked the Torch and having chased the torch around the city for nearly two hours (it was now 7:30), we euphorically declared victory!
We had forced VANOC to split the Torch in to two, and brought our message right to the centre of the Olympic Circus. While all of this was going on, the March in Honour of Harriet Nahanee, led by indigenous women, had split off to follow the torch into Nathan Phillips Square, where a climber free climbed an arch directly opposite the stage and hung a banner reading “Gego Olympics Da-Te-SnoonNishnaabe-Giing Ga-Gmooding” (No Olympics on Stolen Native Land in Anishinaabemowin).
Our people had infiltrated the crowd, holding up banners and handing out flyers, and booing the flame as it left Nathan Phillips Square around 9:30pm. The banner stayed up till the end of the festivities and the climber only got a $100 ticket. Two arrests were made when two protesters ran alongside the Torch following the disruption at Yonge and Maitland. They were released later that night. We stole the Torch’s thunder, with CTV, NDNTV, APTN, City, the Globe, the Star, the Sun, Now Magazine and some Ryerson folks reporting on the disruption and relaying the message that we took to the streets demanding justice for indigenous peoples, an end to corporate domination and the truth about “Canada’s” ongoing policies and practices of colonialism.
Though there has been a serious damper being put on the size and effect of our actions, everyone on the streets of Toronto heard us last night. This protest was organized by an autonomous group of people coming together for this occasion, and showcased a broad spectrum of Toronto’s resistance. As we head into 2010, we urged folks to support Six Nations as they stand up and block the Torch from entering their territory on December 21st, to head to Kitchener-Waterloo on December 27th, to converge on Vancouver from February 10-15th, and to start thinking about your plans for the G8/G20 meetings in June. Overheard during the street party: “Man,the G20’s coming here, and we can’t even handle this!”, cop. ‘See you in the streets.
Blockade forces Torch to divert from Oneida First Nation
LONDON, Ont. — For the second day in a row the Olympic torch relay was forced to take a detour around a native reserve due to safety concerns. A road blockade was set up by protesters leading up to the Oneida of the Thames reserve, an Oneida First Nation near London, Ont., where the flame was to make its 10th community appearance of the day. “We will not visit Oneida as a faction of the community has pledged to disrupt the relay and prohibit us from entering the community,” the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic Winter Games said in a news release. From corporate news story:
http://www.canada.com/sports/Torch+relay+makes+brief+detour+heads+deeper+into+Ontario/2372146/story.html (7)(7)(7)(7)(7)(7)(7)(7)(7)(7)(7)(7)(7)
From October 31 2009 - February 12 2010, the Olympic Torch Relay "A Path of Northern Lights" will be traveling across Canada. The Olympic Resistance Network, based in Vancouver Unceded Coast Salish Territories, is calling on and encouraging our allies to coordinate efforts in over 2000 communities to oppose and resist the Torch Relay.
The Olympic torch is a propaganda tool that promotes gentrification,repression and environmental destruction. The origins of the Torch Relay lie in the dark history of the 1936 Games in Berlin, where it was devised as a means to spread Nazi fascism and to promote the Third Reich. (SeeGlobe and Mail article here: http://no2010.com/node/1113)
The 2010 Olympic Torch Relay is a $25 million publicity stunt to promote the Olympic Brand, particularly its top sponsors. The Royal Bank of Canada and Coca Cola are the main sponsors of the 2010 Torch relay. RBC is the top financier of the environmentally devastating Alberta Tar Sands, while Coca Cola has been responsible for health degradation as part of the junkfood industry, massive depletion of groundwater and toxic waste pollution in India, and involved in hiring paramilitary groups to violently repress union organizers in Colombia.
It is becoming increasingly evident that far from being simply about sport, the 2010 Olympics is rooted in displacement, corporate greed, militarization, and repression. While Olympic corporate sponsors are getting bailed out, Indigenous lands are being stolen, more people are becoming homeless, thousands are losing their jobs and access to public services, the environment is being destroyed, and civil liberties arebeing eroded as over a billion dollars are being sunk into security and surveillance measures.
While people suffer consequences, the public money invested by the city of Vancouver, the city of Whistler, the B.C.government and the Canadian government is now nearing $7 billion. WHAT CAN I DO?
This Torch Relay will be the longest in-country relay in Olympic history, giving us the chance to make some anti-Olympic history! You might be opposing the Torch due to the rally call No Olympics on Stolen Native Land! Remember the Torch does not represent a sacred fire, it is a destructive force. Or you might be protesting the Torch because of the impacts of its corporate sponsors on your community, such as the link between the RBC and Alberta Tar Sands. Or you are generally concerned about the overall negative impacts of the Games such as homelessness, misdirected public spending, attacks on civil liberties, and the general oppression and repression it represents.
There are many reasons and many ways to oppose the Torch, so whatever your reason might be, get out there and be visible! Create a leaflet and make some placards, and you and your group can protest along the Torch route and hand out information to those along the sidelines. You can lead a march to disrupt and detour the relay, as Victoria organizers successfully did without arrests. Setup a blockade through your community and stop the torch from going through and spreading its false propaganda. Hold educational events prior to and after the Torch going through to spread awareness about the impacts of the Olympics (you can contact olympicresistance@riseup.net for educational materials to assist in this). Do whatever makes the most sense for your context; most important is that you organize something!
==> If you are organizing an event or action in your city, town, or community please email us the details at olympicresistance@riseup.net so we can compile the information and build strength and unity in our efforts by having this information available on our website.
Basic torch route
Dec 12, 2009 - Jan 4, 2010: through Ontario: Ottawa, Pikwàkanagàn, Akwesasne, Kingston, Tyendinaga, Peterborough, Toronto, Hamilton, St.Catharines, Six Nations, Brantford, Oneida, Leamington, Windsor, Sarnia,London, Stratford, Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph, Barrie, Huntsville,Temiskaming, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Red Rock FN, Kenora, and others.
Jan 5 - Jan 20, 2010: through Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta: Winnipeg, Sioux Valley Dakota, Regina, Moose Jaw, Swift Current, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Moosomin FN, Edmonton, Wetaskiwin, Red Deer,Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, Calgary, Canada Olympic Park, Stoney Nation, and more.
Jan 21 - Feb 11, 2010: through BC: Golden, Cranbrook, Nelson, Trail,Osoyoos FN, Penticton, Kelowna, Vernon, Revelstoke, Salmon Arm, Kamloops,100 Mile House, Williams Lake, Prince George, Smithers, Gitanmaax, FortSt. John, Terrace, Bella Bella, Powell River, Sechelt, Squamish, Whistler, Lil'wat, Merritt, Fraser Valley, Lower Mainland and others.
* Full route information: Complete listing by day:
Provincial and Territorial Routes:
*The 2010 Corporate Campaign*
In the lead up to the 2010 Winter Games, host communities have been organizing to expose the impact of the Games on indigenous communities, low-income and homeless populations, public services, and the environment. While we continue to expose the impact of the Games themselves, anti-Olympic organizers in Vancouver want to make sure that the spotlight is directed at the social and environmental crimes of the corporate sponsors as well. http://2010campaign.wordpress.com/
We have just completed several posters highlighting the crimes of various2010 Olympic Sponsors. Please see our website for posters that you can put up in your city! Look out General Electric, CTV, Dow and Coke- were on to you. We have also completed the flyers against Hudson's Bay Company and Royal Bank of Canada. We encourage you to print off the flyer, fold them in half and sneak copies into clothes at the Bay. We encourage you to keep distributing flyers outside the Royal Bank in the lead up to the Games. You can download all the materials at:http://2010campaign.wordpress.com/
Please join us as we continue to mobilize against Olympic sponsors in an effort to build awareness and mobilize people in the lead up to the Games. Keep in touch and let us know where you take action: 2010corporatecampaign@gmail.com
"No Olympics on Stolen Native Land"
A public mobilization against the Olympic Torch Relay
*** AW@L and friends from across the region are sending an open invitation for a participatory public event to coincide with the arrival of the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay in Kitchener on Sunday, December 27.
* WHAT: A family friendly rally, march and demonstration against the 2010 Vancouver-Whistler Olympics. We intend to create a festive atmosphere that is safe and inviting for activists as well as families. Our goal is to educate and to deliver a message. We will start with interactive events, free hot coffee and food at a rally at the entrance to Victoria Park in downtown Kitchener featuring speakers from the Olympic Resistance Network-Ontario (ORNO) as well as prominent Six Nations youth activists. Then we will all march to City Hall for a public demonstration during the Olympic Torch Celebration.
*WHEN: Sunday December 27, 4-8pm.
*WHERE: Rally at the Victoria Park Clock Tower, downtown Kitchener, off Gaukel Street.
*WHY: In response to callouts from the Olympic Resistance Network (ORN) and the Native Youth Movement (NYM), AW@L—a community-based direct action group, along with some of our allies are teaming up to co-host a peaceful rally during the Olympic Torch Celebration. We invite all of our friends and allies from across the region to converge in Kitchener in order to send the message to VANOC and to Canada that they can neither whitewash the ongoing colonization of First Nations, nor can they greenwash this country’s abysmal environmental record. We will use their Olympic circus as an opportunity to shine the international spotlight where it belongs, on the truth.
We are calling for this gathering because VANOC, Canada and the Olympics’ sponsors are trying to use the Olympics and the world media spotlight they bring to cast Canada’s international image in a certain light; as a “post-apology” country where the State’s relationship with First Nations is positive and progressive. But this official presentation is a tragic farce. The truth is that this country’s relationship with Indigenous Peoples is shameful. Canada is one of only three countries that has not signed the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.The Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission collapsed. Our land claims process is so backed up that at the current rate active claims will not be solved for more than another two centuries. Canada and the provinces have repeatedly and endemically violated treaty after treaty.The Vancouver-Whistler 2010 Winter Olympic Games are taking place on unceded Territories of the Coast Salish people. Kitchener is on the Haldimand Tract, which is part of the Grand River Territory, which is Six Nations Land. Kitchener-Waterloo, like Vancouver-Whistler, is stolen land. VANOC, Canada and Olympics’ sponsors are trying to use the Olympics to cast themselves as “green” global citizens, when in fact that is a sham.
Canada as well as the Royal Bank of Canada (one of the Olympics’ and the Torch Relay’s primary sponsors) have been identified by major Environmental NGO’s as among the world’s worst climate change offenders. Canada has made the least progress of all developed countries on our Kyoto Protocol commitments, and Canada has been one of the most disruptive and uncooperative countries when it comes to international climate change talks. Canada’s Tar Sands collectively comprise one of the most environmentally destructive projects on earth, and RBC is the leading financier of Tar Sands projects, which like many environmentally destructive projects has a disproportionate impact on Indigenous communities. In the Vancouver-Whistler corridor, the environmental impact of the 2010 Games is incalculable.
VANOC, the City of Vancouver, Torch Relay host cities and Olympic sponsors are trying to use the Olympics to make themselves appear socially responsible to their constituent communities. This is yet another lie. In Vancouver, in preparation for the 2010 Games, neighbourhoods have been brutally gentrified, drastically increasing homelessness and the marginalization of the urban poor. And to make matters worse, new bylaws have been passed in Vancouver that essentially criminalize homelessness and poverty. In Torch Relay host cities, as on the West Coast, public funds are being diverted to pay for a corporate party; while in Kitchener the City’s New Years eve budget is being redirected to pay for VANOC’s Torch Celebration at City Hall, in Vancouver over six billion dollars of taxpayer money is being used to pay for the 2010 Corporate Circus. The 2010 Olympics are ushering in a new era of militarization and police repression. Activists across the country have been routinely harassed by CSIS and the RCMP in the lead up to the Olympic Games. During the games, new high-tech weaponry has been purchased for use against protesters and American military personnel are being brought in to help police the crowds. The security budget for the games is going to total over 1 billion dollars — during a financial crisis, no less.
So, as long as you are willing to abide by reasonable standards of “family friendly” behaviour, we urge everyone to attend this educational and festive public rally, march and demonstration against the 2010 Olympics. Bring warm clothes and things like banners, placards, costumes, noisemakers, and oh yeah... lots of energy. This event is less than a month away, so there is much to do. If you would like to help out in any way, please contact No2010@peaceculture.org .That’s the same email to query if you want more info. We will have point people in Six Nations, Hamilton, Brantford, Guelph, Stratford, Toronto and London to coordinate carpooling, so if you need a ride, or have room for people in one, please let us know. See you in the streets!
AW@L Olympic Resistance Committee
AW@L’s website is http://peaceculture.org
Contact for more info: No2010@peaceculture.org
For more info on the Olympics visit
No2010.com <http://www.no2010.com/>
OlympicResistance.net <http://www.olympicresistance.net/>
No2010Victoria.net <http://www.no2010victoria.com/>
Peaceculture.org <http://www.peaceculture.org/drupal/no2010>
Disrupt the Olympic Torch in Stratford!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
8:00am - 3:00pm
front steps of Stratford city hall It takes a spark to start a praire fire
Protest against Torch Relay!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Olympic Plaza, Calgary, AB
The organizing is starting now. If you want to get involved in Calgary please contact me: terisong@riseup.net . If you are organizing a seperate event and want it listed via the email group you can contact myself or anyother organizer and I am sure they'd be willing to help.
Anti Olympic Events in Portland
Jan 3, 2010
2010 Olympic Resistance"Stolen lives, Stolen land"January 3rd @ Portland State University (13)(13)(13)(13)(13)(13)(13)(13)(13)(13)(13)(13)(13)
Disrupt the Torch in Guelph!
Monday, December 28, 2009
7:00am - 10:30am
St. George's Square, Guelph
Bring banners, signs and anything else you can think of!
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