Wow, I think that the above headline should win the 'alliteration prize'. Move over Sun Media, Molly's coming into the winners' circle. In any case, here's more from the pages of Northern Life about the blockade of trucks carrying 'scab ore' to the Vale Inco premises in Sudbury. This was previously mentioned on this blog. To keep up with the news from the Vale Inco strike don't forget to visit the strike support site Fair Deal Now.
Steelworkers blockade contractors' trucks at picket lines:
Sep 21, 2009
By: Heidi Ulrichsen - Sudbury Northern Life
Sep 21, 2009
By: Heidi Ulrichsen - Sudbury Northern Life
Over the last few days, striking Steelworkers Local 6500 members have been stopping trucks trying to move through their picket lines at Clarabelle Mill and Stobie Mine.
Vale Inco spokesperson Steve Ball said he heard some trucks were stopped for up to seven hours Sept. 17, although he wasn't sure if the same thing happened Sept. 18.
Northern Life observed Day Group trucks being stopped at the entrance to Clarabelle Mill off of Highway 144 during the morning of Sept. 18.
“Over the last couple of days, it's been evident that the trucks trying to get in and our of Clarabelle Mill and Stobie Mine have been blockaded for lengthy periods of time by a large number of pickets,” said Ball.
“Obviously, these actions are to prevent the movement of stockpiled ore from Stobie. We have an injunction in place where we expect certain protocols to be followed. We have a right to enter and exit our plants in accordance to that injunction, and we're disappointed that we're not being permitted to do so at this time.”
When contacted by Northern Life Sept. 18, Steelworkers Local 6500 president John Fera refused to comment on the situation, saying he needed more information before doing so.
Former union vice-president Patrick Veinot told Northern Life at the picket line Sept. 18 that the trucks were being stopped because they are moving ore from Stobie Mine to Clarabelle Mill.
“This is our work. This is the work we normally do. Obviously, this ore from Stobie would normally be moved by train. But we're on strike, and the company has elected to hire this contractor from Sudbury to do our work. We can't let that happen.”
Molly has to note one very commendable comment that was made above by Patrick Veinot. He recognizes something, at least in the case of the Sudbury mines, that should be generally recognized ie that workers have at least a "moral right" to property rights in their jobs. Their labour, after all, creates the profit that pays the managers and stockholders. If enough people were to recognize this property right then the time when corporations could push around the ordinary person would be limited. these actions are also a sterling example of the 'direct action' that is so often preached but so much misunderstood.
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