For well over a year (419 days) library workers in lower Vancouver Island have been without a contract. After a number of strike actions since last September when their union, CUPE Local 410, was in a legal strike position the workers have held a number of rotating actions. Last Monday, February 18, management retaliated by locking the workers out, and the public of Victoria and area are deprived of library services. The workers and their union are calling for public support, and if you live in the area of Victoria you may be able to help out. Here is the union statement...
"Waiting to Bargain: Day 170.Locked out: Day 7.
Victoria Library Workers Strike Actions
Library Workers in Lower Vancouver Island, represented by CUPE Local 410, have been without a collective agreement for well over a year (419 days) now, and in a legal strike position since Friday, September 7, 2007. From September to March we took a number of strike actions, including several full day shutdowns, and ongoing continuous withdrawals of a number of Library services.
Shamefully, Library Workers, and the people of Victoria and the Capital Area whom we proudly serve, were Locked Out of their Library on Black Monday, February 18, 2008.
In the 170 days since we started taking strike actions, the employer's bargaining agent has made no attempt to restart negotiations. Since early in 2007, they have simply refused to discuss the major outstanding issues. Library workers experience this as a contempt for their needs, and for their contributions to the quality of life in the Capital area.
Strike Headquarters - 1609 Blanshard Rd.
How You Can Help
Please help us to negotiate a fair contract.
*Visit overduepromise.ca and send an email to your municipal council.
*Visit any Library branch and fill out the "Pay Equity is Ten Years Overdue" postcard.
*Write a letter to the editor of your newspaper.
*Call, email, or write your municipal politicians.
*Attend a meeting of your municipal council and express your concerns.
*Call a radio talk show during open segments and express your opinion on the air. "
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