As has been previously mentioned on this blog the 'A-Zone Telethon' is now up and running with live video from the fundraiser. You can access the streaming video from the website above or you can donate by credit card by phone at 1-204-942-6994. You can also send a cheque to Winnipeg Parecon Worker Council, Old Market Autonomous Zone Co-op, 2D-91 Albert St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 1G5.
The fundraiser is to raise the down payment for purchase of the premises at 91 Albert St. to be owned and operated as a co-op by the tenants---over a dozen different groups. The A-Zone has long provided a centre for the libertarian left in Winnipeg, and hopefully the purchase will make this centre even more solid and reliable. W
What follows is the appeal from the A-Zone. I'm sorry that I can't upload the video. It's beyond my computer skills to link to a live webcast. I am also to lazy and pressed for time to copy all the numerous !!! links in what follows onto this post. In other words go to the A-Zone link for lots more info than I can provide here.
The A-Zone fundraising telethon will last from 3pm Saturday May 1st, until 3pm Sunday May 1st. You may be able to see an embedded player below:
You can also watch or listen these ways:
•Ogg video, or Ogg video playlist (suggested player, VLC, there are others too) You can also use the embedded player here
•MP3 audio, or MP3 playlist(Chances are you already have an MP3 player, but check out VLC if you need one)You can also use the embedded player here
•livestream.com flash video (Requires Adobe Flash Player)
The livestream.com video feed also has an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel superimposed on top of it. You can join #azone on freenode (irc.freenode.net ) and give shout outs that will appear in the video. If you’re lucky, you may even be able to go strait to that channel by following this hyperlink, but most folks will probably need to configure an IRC client. (Note that freenode does not work with the web to IRC service Mibbit, which Firefox may send you too). You can also use this IRC to web interface.
The A-Zone needs your support! We are embarking on a 4-month international fundraising campaign to raise the funds needed for the down payment. Donations of any amount are gratefully welcome. In-kind donations are also welcome.
Ready to donate? Cheques can be made out to “Winnipeg Parecon Worker Council”, and sent to the address and post box listed below. Please put our name in the notes section of the cheque.
Old Market Autonomous Zone Co-op
2D - 91 Albert Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 1G5
24-hour May Day International Fundraising Telethon, May 1-2
We are holding a 24-Hour A-Zone International Fundraising Telethon, May 1 – 2, presented in conjunction with Winnipeg’s 2010 May Works Festival. The telethon will begin at 3 pm of the 1st and continue until the next day with non-stop live and virtual entertainment by local comedians, performance artists, musicians and poets at Mondragon on the A-Zone’s main floor. The event will conclude with a special Sunday brunch fundraiser. Streamed live, here, at a-zone.org.
Contact us
For further information about the A-Zone Co-op Project or the fundraising campaign, please contact us at azonefundcom@gmail.com .
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