Molly doesn't hold to strict ideological lines in terms of her politics, no matter what it may seem to be from the majority of the posts at this blog. Am I an individualist with collectivist sympathies ? Or am I rather a collectivist with individualist sympathies ? It depends on the day. Personally I think this is wisdom as anarchism should not restrict itself to either any particular issue, mode of action or 'end goal' in terms of economics. So...here's another publication I like, this one from the individualist side of the the anarchist community. Anarchist Voices Magazine has brought out their first online edition. Check it out. Authors include Larry Gambone, Richard Livermore, Peter Good, Richard Griffen, Colin Johnson, Chris Butler, Steve Booth and Padi Phillips. Also, as blasts from the past Michael E. Coughlin and Colin Ward. Good for opening minds. Look to the above link for what it's all about, how to subscribe and a link to the pdf of the latest issue.
I am like you in that matter. I would say that I am a collectivist with individualist sympathies, or to be more precise the only real route to individual liberty is cooperation.
To me it's a hard thing in theory but an easy thing in practice.
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