Linchpin is the journal of the Ontario Common Cause organization, an up and coming platformist group that takes organizing seriously. Issue # 5 is now available for free distribution and as a pdf download at their website. This issue is reduced in size, 4 pages rather than 8, something that may be more appropriate for an increased publication schedule- which is what I hope this means. There is also a much better use of colour photographs in this issue, a move that brightens up the look of the paper considerably. The articles this time around...
A. 'Nothing to Lose': A report on the plight of autoworkers in Ontario in the face of plant closures. What the workers have achieved and what more they will have to do.
B. 'Residential School Apology:An Anarchist View': On the Conservative government's recent apology for the scandal of Indian residential schools in Canada. If "talk is cheap", government apologies are getting even more so.
C.'It's the Stupid Economy': The irrationalities of our present economic system.
D. 'Against the State and Capital on the High Seas': a new look at the old time phenomenon of piracy.
E.'Practicing Anarchism: Norwegian Anarchists Talk in Hamilton': New ideas on organization from a visiting anarchist from Norway.
Plus many shorts, addresses, contacts, etc. Overall very interesting and to be commended for its regular publishing schedule. drop on over to Linchpin and have a look.
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