The Red and Black Coordination is an informal gathering of European anarchosyndicalist groups that have decided to meet regularly to coordinate common projects. It is not an "international", as the member unions, several of them active in the workplace beyond the level of "propaganda groups" recognize that an international requires patient organizational work before it can be anything other than a "paper organization". Until that time various anarchosyndicalist unions can meet to plan common projects and to improve their level of coordination. The last meeting of the RBC was held last November in Warsaw. This weekend the next one, hosted by the Spanish CGT, the largest anarchosyndicalist union in the world, will take place in Madrid. Molly has translated the following notice from Royo y Negro, a magazine published by the CGT.
May 24 and 25
Within the European area we have worked for several years promoting the Red and Black Coordination association, through twice-yearly meetings of those responsible for the performance of various international organizations. At the last meeting in Warsaw in November, there were a series of agreements, including developing a poster set for 1 May, complementary to that produced by each union in their own country.
It also implemented immediate actions of solidarity to support repressed comrades, while also analyzing the different ways in which European neo-liberal plans are developing in each state. We (the CGT-Molly) were responsible for organizing the next meeting and it will take place on 24 and May 25 in Madrid.
On this occasion we will be continued and deepening our means of internal communication, our system of solidarity and improving the public visibility of the Coordination. We will also see if it is possible to realize a common campaign, with distinct parts in each country, against job insecurity (TTE, s, subcontracting, outsourcing, discrimination against immigrants, utilities privatization,…).
Complying with the congressional agreements, we intend to realize common union and social actions outside the Spanish border as we do within, at the same time participating in the dynamics that develop in the fields developed by the European Red and Black organizations. We'll see the French CNT, ESE of Greece, WI Poland, SAC, Sweden and IWW England at this meeting.
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