The RAG (see their website at http://www.ragdublin.org or in Molly's Links section) is an anarcha-feminist magazine produced by a diverse group in Dublin Ireland. The second issue is now in production, and details will appear shortly on their website. The planned date is November 10th, this Saturday, and they are planning a party over there on the ol' sod at the Seomra Spraoi social centre in Dublin at 6:30 pm. Molly will be with them in spirit (spirits ?) anyhow. The following is the introduction to their first issue:
"The RAG is a magazine produced by a diverse group of anarchafeminist women in Dublin. We are all feminists, united in our recognition that women's subordination exists. Our struggle needs to be fought alongside the struggle against other forms of oppression, not treated as an afterthought or as a distraction. We are all anarchists, united in our belief in the need to create alternatives to this capitalistic, patriarchal society wherein all are dominated and exploited. Although anarchism is, in theory, inherently feminist, the reality is often quite different. RAG was created out of a need to bring feminist issues into the mainstream anarchist sphere. We hope that this magazine will contribute to a change in anarchists' organizing at all levels. We desire a fully participatory role for women in anarchism.
The first issue of this magazine has taken over a year to produce, and has been an important and fulfilling process. we have taken time to get to know one another, to become comfortable talking in groups and to discuss and develop our ideas. While some people in RAG have been long-time political organizers, others have approached the group from a range of diverse backgrounds.
We have remained committed to non-hierarchical structures within the collective, with revolving facilitators, skill sharing, group editing, mutual support and respect, and, whenever possible consensus decision making.
As time goes by members come and go, but the spirit of the collective remains constant and, we hope, welcoming, involving and empowering. Over the past year and a half we have held discussions on a variety of topics from motherhood to the sex industry, watched feminist films, had a pro-choice stickering campaign, organized an anarchist assembly and workshops, swapped and shared books and zines, built friendships and supported one another.
We hope that this magazine will provide food for thought and provoke discussion. We hope that readers will be inspired to set up their own feminist collectives, organize workshops, start and continue writing, and otherwise bring the anarcha-feminist gospel to the streets where they live. Please contact us with your feedback and ideas to tell us what you think about the magazine, and what you would like to see addressed in future issues. If you are a woman living in our area interested in writing and organizing for the revolution, please get involved.
This is just the beginning !
Love and Solidarity,
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