The true extent of the disaster in Haiti, following the recent earthquake is absolutely mind numbing. The recent estimates of the Red Cross of 50,000 deaths are probably underestimates, and they do not tale into account the presumed deaths that will follow, surely as day follows night, from disease and hunger in the imminent future. It will be weeks, months, or, perhaps, never, when an reasonably accurate death toll of the immediate fatalities will be tabulated. Haiti's almost non-existent infrastructure-at the best of times- will mean that a truly accurate count will never be taken. I will have more to say on this subject soon, but, for now, here are a few ways that people here in Winnipeg can contribute to Haiti relief. One that is left out of the following from a local blog is the fact that the United Firefighters of Winnipeg, along with the Winnipeg Fire Department, are accepting donations at all firehalls in Winnipeg. This is certainly the easiest way to contribute from a Molly point of view. More on this situation later.
Haiti Earthquake Relief: How You Can Help:
Posted by Sarah Klein
After Tuesday’s devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake, international relief efforts are being organized to help the people of Haiti. Hundreds of thousands of people are feared dead, as the quake rocked the nation. About 3 million people are reported to need assistance.
How can Canadians help?
The Canadian Red Cross is accepting donations at RedCross.ca/helpnow, or you can call 1-800-418-1111.
The Salvation Army is accepting donations at SalvationArmy.ca, or you can call 1-800-725-2769.
The Mennonite Central Committee is accepting donations at MCC.org, or you can call 261-6381, or 1-888-622-6337.
Mobile Bell customers can text the word Haiti to 45678. A $5.00 donation will be made on your behalf and appear on your cell phone bill. Rogers customers can text the word Help to 1291 to make a $5.00 donation.
Canadians looking to connect with loved ones in Haiti can call the command centre set up by Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs at 1-800-387-3124.
The federal government will also match all donations Canadians make to a registered charity, dollar for dollar, up to $50 million until February 12.
The Province of Manitoba has pledged $100,000 in support to the Manitoba Council for International Co-operation (MCIC), which will ensure the money will be used for aid and reconstruction in Haiti.
See more photos. (Warning: graphic content)
Posted by Sarah Klein
After Tuesday’s devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake, international relief efforts are being organized to help the people of Haiti. Hundreds of thousands of people are feared dead, as the quake rocked the nation. About 3 million people are reported to need assistance.
How can Canadians help?
The Canadian Red Cross is accepting donations at RedCross.ca/helpnow, or you can call 1-800-418-1111.
The Salvation Army is accepting donations at SalvationArmy.ca, or you can call 1-800-725-2769.
The Mennonite Central Committee is accepting donations at MCC.org, or you can call 261-6381, or 1-888-622-6337.
Mobile Bell customers can text the word Haiti to 45678. A $5.00 donation will be made on your behalf and appear on your cell phone bill. Rogers customers can text the word Help to 1291 to make a $5.00 donation.
Canadians looking to connect with loved ones in Haiti can call the command centre set up by Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs at 1-800-387-3124.
The federal government will also match all donations Canadians make to a registered charity, dollar for dollar, up to $50 million until February 12.
The Province of Manitoba has pledged $100,000 in support to the Manitoba Council for International Co-operation (MCIC), which will ensure the money will be used for aid and reconstruction in Haiti.
See more photos. (Warning: graphic content)
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