For Molly's European readers here's news of an interesting anarchist conference coming up in Winterthur Switzerland next year. The original source is the Libertäre Aktion Winterthur site. In came Molly's way via the A-Infos site. Seems like another one of those "machine translations", and, unfortunately, I can't fix it for my readers as I don't read German. I went to the original hoping that, being Switzerland, they might have a French version, but no such luck. The city of Winterthur (pop ~100,000) is located in northeast Switzerland, and about 83% of the population lists German as their language. French speakers fall below the number of Albanian ! speakers in that part of Switzerland. Still, I presume that a good proportion of the comrades in the city itself speak French. Therefore I have made minimal editorial changes in the following aside from the first sentence which made little sense in the A-Infos version.
Switzerland, 6. Anarchy Days in Winterthur:
For the sixth time the Libertarian Action Winterthur (your local contact person for anarchist theory and practice) comes to the long-awaited "anarchy days." On the weekend of 11 to 13 February is waiting for you a wellness program for mind and soul that can compare with any Luxuskurprogramm too( I think I get the sense of this-Molly ).
-- Accompanied by culinary delights and rounded off by a musical evening program will once again make this year a handful of high-quality presentations for highlights in the political Winterthur's annual calendar. Presented to you is nothing less than the most interesting developments in the international class struggle. Prominent political figures from around the world will you answer questions about worker resistance, indigenous movements, Marxism, anarcho-syndicalism, Council Communism, and more.
This is the opportunity to finally wiedermal (???-Molly ) adults can enjoy entertainment at the highest level and for nothing! Hardly believing sowas? During the conversation, it will not remain, however. Alone has the power of the collective dynamics of social change debate should arise. Come on over, inform yourself, networked you criticize, mach mit! All interested people are welcome!
Friday 12 February 2010
19h Old Barracks, Technikumstrasse 8
Vegan vokü
20:30 Old Barracks, Technikumstrasse 8
On the concept of social change in the (anarchist) syndicalism.
Holger Marcks, lecture and discussion
>> More info
Saturday 13 February 2010
ab 10h Old Barracks, Technikumstrasse 8
12h Old Barracks, Technikumstrasse 8
Libertarian and Communist critics compared
Gerhard Hanloser, presentation and discussion
15h Old Barracks, Technikumstrasse 8
The revolutionary self-destruction of the proletariat
Carnation Group, Unit and discussion
ab 18h ggs31, General-Guisan-Strasse 31
Vegan vokü
20h ggs31, General-Guisan-Strasse 31
With SamKanalratte (HipHop, SO) & Fritz the tractor driver (TrashElectroRap, BE)
Sunday 14 February 2010
ab 10h ram Metzggasse 8
12h ram Metzggasse 8
The architecture of the neo-liberal power and indigenous struggles in Venezuela
El Libertario, lecture and discussion
15pm ram Metzggasse 8
Workers' resistance against the plans of capital
Rainer Thomann, lecture and discussion
Related Link: http://www.anarchietage.ch
by Libertarian Action Winterthur LAW
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