The lockout at the Tembec plant in Pine Falls Manitoba, which has been ongoing since last September 1, is now over. Molly has blogged multiple times on the subject of this dispute. Today the Manitoba Labour Board ordered Tembec to end its lockout. It is expected that layoff notices will be issued to the workers involved, allowing them to collect EI. This marks the sterling failure of the claims of both our provincial government and local Conservative MPs that they might influence the federal government to allow the Tembec workers to collect EI. Another thing that Molly is at pains to point out is, while the idea of any "influence" over the feds to persuade them to actually help rather than harm workers is ludicrous, it has always been in the domain of the Province to do what they have done today. The Conservatives make no claims about being a friend of labour. Our provincial NDP does. Why wasn't this action taken long ago ? Here's the story about today's ruling from the CBC.
Lockout at Pine Falls plant ends:
The Manitoba Labour Board has ordered an immediate end to a prolonged lockout at the Tembec newsprint mill in Pine Falls, Man., CBC News has learned.
Lockout at Pine Falls plant ends:
The Manitoba Labour Board has ordered an immediate end to a prolonged lockout at the Tembec newsprint mill in Pine Falls, Man., CBC News has learned.
The mill has been idle since Sept.1 after the Montreal-based company locked out more than 250 unionized workers and stopped operations. Prior to closing, the company had said it needed "an immediate and significant reduction" in labour costs to stay competitive in the newsprint market.
The United Steelworkers union had applied to the labour board for arbitration in the labour dispute. This morning, the board ordered Tembec to end the lockout, the union said.
Employees on the picket line have just learned of the new development, United Steelworkers union spokesperson Wayne Skrypnyk said.
Not going back to work
However, unionized employees will not be going back to their jobs in the wake of Wednesday's announcement.
Tembec announced in December that it was putting the mill up for sale and would not be resuming operations even if the lockout was ended.
Skrypnyk said the lockout's end isn't considered a victory for the union workers, but will come as some relief to them as they'll now be issued layoff notices and become eligible for Employment Insurance benefits.
An arbitrator will still be appointed to try and resolve outstanding issues between labour and management, Skrypnyk said.
The mill is about 130 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg.
1 comment:
Tembec Will stop at nothing to feed their greed. How can you Respond to a Terrorist Who Implementates their ATTACK strategy First,(Bring Us to OUR knees) Instilling FEAR,DEPRIVATION,STARVATION.
All A While They Attack From A fare.
We Here In Temiscaming (A Proud Member of a Dying Local 233) Are in a Fight, WE HAVE lost CONTROL of what was a PROUD Creation That Our Community Were part Of. Tembec NO LONGER Lives In OUR HEARTS, They STOLE from PEOPLE who's Intensions were to SHARE WITH ALL. We Lost Sight on What WE FOCUSED For.WE EVEN Forget The INSPIRATION that WE Set Forth In Other Communities IN 1972 When WE FOUGHT Until The Bitter END, TO WIN BACK WHAT TEM.iscaming..que.BEC. Had PROUDLY BUILT TOGETHER.
IT'S NOT OVER YET ! A MONSTROUS Evil has Been set Free.(TAKEN FROM OUR CARING HANDS). By Many Who's ONLY Desire is to CONSUME for Themselves.
"When Glutenous Evil is set To Consume ALL. ITS ONLY Destiny is To Meet It's CREATOR."
We Are In a Huge DOG FIGHT until the end, Whether we Like it or not. WE CAN ONLY STAY TOGETHER.
"When There's An Action,(imposed on us by Tembec). There IS an equal and OPPOSITE RE-ACTION(THE UNION).
I'm A Concerned, Proud Member of the Temiscaming Community and The LOCAL 233 UNION.I See now what many of us have not yet, the evil that CONTROLS US. WE WILL FIGHT for EVERY BROTHER AND SISTER that we have adopted in our Tembec Family. It is NOT OUR WAY of TREATING OUR FAMILY.It's time to reach out OUR HANDS TOGETHER and HOLD TIGHT, It's Going to be a rough Ride. But We CAN MAKE "TOGETHER"
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