Since Molly last reported on the Québec speaking tour of an anarchist comrade from the Argentinian Red Libertaria group, speaking on how ordinary people responded to an earlier economic crisis in that country, plans have been put together for an Ontario section of the tour. Here are the details from the Ontario Common Cause website.
Workers Without Bosses - Speaking Tour:
The popular response to the Argentine economic crisis of December 2001 and lessons for us in Canada - a Québec and Ontario speaking tour presented by the Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL) and Common Cause.
The popular response to the Argentine economic crisis of December 2001 and lessons for us in Canada - a Québec and Ontario speaking tour presented by the Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL) and Common Cause.
We are going through one of the worst economic crises in the history of capitalism and the answers provided by the state and its lackeys are illusory. In addition, faced with this impasse, our leaders are trying to shift the entire burden of the crisis to workers and their communities.
How can we respond differently to this economic crisis ? Can we learn from the experiences of struggles that have happened elsewhere in the world ?
To consider these issues, the UCL and Common Cause are organizing a Québec and Ontario speaking tour this winter on the response of the Argentine popular classes in the face of a serious economic crisis that shook the country in the late 2001.
From 18 January to 12 February, a militant from the anarchist organization Red Libertaria (Argentina) will travel to different cities in Quebec and Ontario to talk about this subject. He will discuss different forms of resistance developed by the Argentine people to counter the effects of the crisis such as retaking factories and creating self-managed cooperatives. He will also discuss the involvement of anarchists in these different struggles.
In Ontario, the tour will stop in:
- January 23, 6:30pm - 8:00pm
KW Community Centre for Social Justice (KWCCSJ)
63 Courtland Ave East
Hosted by Peaceculture.org and KWCCSJ
- January 24, 7pm
Empowerment Infoshop
636 Queens Ave.
Hosted by Common Cause London
- January 25, 7pm
Skydragon Centre
27 King William Street
Hosted by Common Cause Hamilton
The tour will stop in several Quebec cities including Montreal, St-Jerome, Quebec, Saguenay, Saint-Félicien, Drummondville, Sherbrooke. The places and dates of each talk will be publicized soon.
For more information on the Ontario wing of the tour contact commoncauseontario@gmail.com or check here (The Common Cause website-Molly ) for regular updates.
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