Here are the latest updates from the Olympic Resistance Network, beginning with an appeal for the things they are going to need soon at the upcoming Anti-2010 Convergence. Help them out if you can, especially if you live on the west coast.
ORN Wish List !!! and Upcoming Meetings, Actions, Events:
* ORN General Meeting (open to all!) will now be every Sunday, beginning in January 2010, 6pm @ Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings
* ORN General Meeting (open to all!) will now be every Sunday, beginning in January 2010, 6pm @ Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings
* 2010 Welcoming Committee: Thursdays at 7:00 pm at 1707 Charles Street (off Commercial Drive). Meeting to plan a broad-based mobilization on Feb12, 2010, the day of the Olympic Opening Ceremonies.
1) ORN WISH LIST: Callout for Support and Supplies.
2) Updated: Anti Olympic Speaking Tour in BC and US West Coast!
3) Jan 22: Solidarity in the Face of Police Repression
4) Updated: Feb 2010: Anti Olympic Convergence
5) Rethinking the Olympics: UBC SJC Conference
Olympic Resistance Network Call-out for supplies and support
The Olympics Resistance Network (http://olympicresistance.net/) is seeking support and supplies! In addition to building ongoing educational and resistance efforts, the Olympics Resistance Network is hosting and coordinating logistics for an anti-2010 convergence, between Feb 10th-15th 2010. You can help by providing:
1. HOUSING:If you have a couch or extra floor space, please help us out by providing sleep space for out of town activists. Fill out the housing form at: http://olympicresistance.net/content/2010-convergence-billeting-form
2. VOLUNTEER to make the Convergence happen! We need everyone who is able to please take on shifts to staff the Welcoming Centre, help prepare food, provide childcare, and more. Please contact 604-723-1206 with your name, when you are available, what you are willing to do, and your contact information.
3. SUPPLIES DROP OFF/STORAGE:If your local business, community centre, work place, home, or union hall is willing to either accept or store any of the supplies listed below, please let us know. We are in desperate need for drop-off and storage space especially for our medic supplies.
4. SAFE SPACES: There will be many people from out of town arriving in Vancouver for the anti-Olympic convergence and we are looking for allies who are willing to be listed in our Welcoming Package as safe spaces. These will not be places for anti-Olympic organizing, just a place to stop by and hang out. If your business, community centre, or other physical space is willing to explore the idea of being listed as a space sympathetic to the Anti-Olympic Convergence please let us know and we are happy to work with you in a way that most suits you.
5. FOOD AND COOKING SUPPLIES:coffee cream fresh veggies and fruit tea bread cups sugar non-perishable food (beans, rice, etc.) cutlery pots and pans water bottles dish soap towels/clothes yoghurt containers crock pots garbage bags cooking utensils
6. COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENTS:walkie-talkies working cell phones megaphones generators speakers/sound system
7. OTHER SUPPLIES:tarps awnings/tents pens/paper childcare supplies duct tape banner-making materials blankets rain jackets/sweaters bungee cords ropes bikes flip charts/markers/tapechairs cots desks
*Wound Care*:
Non-Sterile 4x4s, Non-Sterile 2x2s, Sterile 4x4s, Sterile 2x2s Sterile Roller Gauze, Non-Sterile Roller Gauze, Non-latex Bandages (all sizes and kinds), Non-adherent dressings, Coban, Kerlix, Non-latex bandage tape, Medical tape (all kinds), Chemical Ice Packs, Hand Warmer Packs,Sterile Irrigation Water, Irrigation Syringes, Alcohol Swabs, Iodine Swabs, SAM Splints, Finger Splints, Traction Splints, Backboard, C-Collar, ABD Pads, Ace Bandages, Steri Strips, Tincture of Benzoin, Multi Trauma Dressing Topical Anesthetic (non-antibiotic if possible), Scrub Sponges, Povidone iodine, Isopropyl alcohol, Chlorhexidine
Stethoscope, BP cuff, Pen lights, Trauma shears, Bandage shears Duct Tape, Flashlights, Glucometer, Digital Thermometers (with sheaths)
*Other Clinic Supplies*:
BVMs, Laceration Trays, Multi-use Vials - 2% lidocaine, Assorted sutures and needles, Inhalers, Nebulizers, 02 Tank, Cannulas & Non-Rebreathers, Glucometer, Electrolyte solution
Non-Latex Gloves in S, M, L, XL, Masks, Safety glasses Hearing protection (LRAD is deployed in Vancouver now)
*Herbal Supplies:
homeopathic remedies, essential oils, Bach flower remedies, herbs, herbal tinctures, salves, and infused oils. Tincture bottles, salve jars, kettle, and tea pots.
*Clinic Furniture/Materials:
Folding cots, massage table, blankets, lots of spare clothes, chairs, folding tables, shelving, rubbermaid containers,racks of various kinds and sizes.
9. TRANSPORTATION: Contact us if you have a car or bike trailer and are willing to transport supplies during the anti-olympics convergence. We also need Bicycle donations - used, working and those needing minor repairs.
10. PLEASE DONATE: Hosting this convergence requires significant funds, including legal defence funds. You can donate securely through PayPal on our website: http://olympicresistance.net/content/send-us-money
or cheques can be made out to Olympic Resistance Network and mailed to ORN, 6 - 1857 Kitchener St, Vancouver, BC, V5L 2W5. Email ornfundraise@riseup.net to arrange direct deposits or other queries.
DROP OFF POINTS: If you would like to drop off donations, you can do so at:
1. Baaad Anna's: - 2667 East Hastings St., Vancouver. Monday - Sunday (11 am to 6 pm). 604-255-2577
2. Rhizome Café: 317 East Broadway, Vancouver. Tuesday - Sunday (11 am to 9 pm).
3. Spartacus Books: 684 E. Hastings St., Vancouver. (12 - 7 pm).
4. For pick-up in the Downtown Eastside, East Vancouver or Burnaby, call: 604-773-9057. Or contact us at: 604-723-1206
-- please forward to contacts in BC and US West Coast
- Why Oppose the 2010 Olympic Games
As part of a provincial and west coast speaking tour, join us in a series of events to learn more about the Olympic industry and its impacts, why opposition to the Games is growing, and how you can participate in and support the resistance. We will also hear about plans for a global Feb 10-15 anti-colonial and anti-capitalist convergence against the Games.
No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!
Watch: Eight Reasons to Oppose the 2010 Winter Olympics:
http://vimeo.com/4872922 DATES!
Check back on Facebook for updates:
Or subscribe to our low traffic list to receive updates:
* Fri Jan 22: ORANGE COUNTY at 6 pm. Women's Civic Club, 9501 Chapman Ave.Garden Grove. Contact: jhaghor@yahoo.com or 714-478-3155
* Fri Jan 22nd – NANAIMO at 7pm. VIU, bldg 355, room 203.
* Sat Jan 23rd – COMOX VALLEY at 7 pm. BCGEU meeting room, 2nd Floor, 910 Fitzgerald Ave, Courtenay. Contact Ernie at 250 338 3504 or ernieyacub@gmail.com .
Solidarity in the Face of Police Repression
Mass Demonstration
Friday, January 22nd, 2010
6 pm
Anyone posing even a potential threat to Olympic Security is being subjected to police “friendly visits” and blatant harassment, from active organizers and their families to people who attend events or write critical letters. These visits have escalated and are likely to continue escalating as we near the February games.
Some have faced the sharper swords of prosecution, imprisonment, deportation, and even death in the case of Harriet Nahanee. We see the clear connection between Olympic repression and ongoing police intimidation & brutality, the mounting deaths in police custody, the gross negligence in missing women cases, the social cleansing in the Downtown Eastside, and all the other symptoms of this unjust system.
We call for a mass public outcry and for increased resistance amidst this climate of increasing social control. To show we do not fear their tactics when we rise together. Tell your friends and family, co-workers and classmates. Let's show that our solidarity can be stronger than their repression.
We are planning on this march being a family friendly demonstration of our solidarity against police repression. We intend to create a festive atmosphere that is safe and inviting for a wide range of people. Our goal is to spread information and to strengthen our will to band together and support each other in the face of ongoing police repression.
We ask that people not attempt to provoke the cops. This said, we are not responsible nor can we control attempts by authorities to suppress our solidarity, and therefore, we stress the importance of supporting those who choose to defend themselves and others against police abuse. We invite everyone to bring their friends and family, as well as banners, chants, noise makers, flags, torches and, most importantly, lots of energy!
Let’s bring the celebration of our resistance into the streets!
If you have any questions, please leave us a comment and we will respond ASAP. If you do not wish to make your comment public, please let us know and we will act accordingly. http://january22nd.wordpress.com/
- please forward widely -
* New promo video!
The 2010 Winter Olympics will take place in Vancouver & Whistler, on unceded Indigenous land, from February 12-28 2010. We call on all anti-capitalist, Indigenous, housing rights, labour, migrant justice, environmental, anti-war, community-loving, anti-poverty, civil libertarian, and anti colonial activists to come together to confront this two-week circus and the oppression it represents. We are organizing towards a global anti-capitalist and anti-colonial convergence against the2010 Olympic Games.
The Convergence is called for Feb 10-15:
- Wed Feb 10- Thurs Feb 11: Conference and People's Summit
- Fri Feb 12: Take Back Our City! “Welcome” the 2010 Olympic Torch with Free Games, Free Speech, and Free Food! Beginning with a festival at the Vancouver Art Gallery at 3 pm, followed by a parade and protest to BC Place Stadium. Details, including childcare, at:
- Sat Feb 13 and Mon Feb 15: Autonomous days of action including anti-corporate actions, rallies to oppose militarization, and more.
- On Sun Feb 14th, we will be standing with the 19th Annual Women's Memorial March to honour all the missing and murdered and women in the DTES (this is not an anti-Olympic protest).
Details at:
ADDITIONAL EVENTS: We will also be updating this description and our website with additional anti-Olympic events occurring during the entire month of February:
- Wednesday Feb 3 from 7-9 pm. The Olympics are Coming, Let's Yack! WISE Hall, 1882 Adanac Street. Planning, sharing Olympic resistance activities.
Organized by Community Olympics Watch.
- Friday Feb 5 till Monday Feb 8: Indigenous Peoples Assembly in Secwepemc Territories. For Indigenous people only. For information email nymcommunications@gmail.com . Full callout posted at:http://mostlywater.org/indigenous_peoples_assembly_2010
- Sunday Feb 7. 3rd Annual Poverty Olympics in the DTES. Relay starts at 12:30 at VANDU (380 East Hastings St.), 1-3 pm at Japanese Hall (487 Alexander St) Free, family event. http://povertyolympics.ca/
- Saturday, Feb 20. Rally for a National Housing Program from noon-2 pm, north Side of Vancouver Art Gallery. The UN now calls Canada's housing crisis, 'a national emergency.' Come join this rally to pressure the federal government to once again re-establish a national housing program in Canada. Organized by Impact on Communities Coalition.
We are working to coordinate the logistics to host this convergence. For information on billeting (whether you are in need of billeting or can provide billeting), travel and border information, legal updates, food and childcare arrangements, community spaces, welcome package, and more, please check http://olympicresistance.net/ frequently for updates.
1) Sign-up for our low-traffic list (1-2 emails per week) to stay updated on upcoming events, meetings, and actions. Please email olympicresistance@riseup.net and ask to be added to our announcement list or subscribe directly at https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/orn-announce.
2) If you are part of another group (artist, activist, community, union, campus etc) and are planning any kind of activity or event to oppose the Games during Feb 2010, please do let us know and stay in touch.
3) Host an anti-Olympic educational on your campus or at your next conference. Or invite a speaker to your next meeting to discuss what your group can do. We are able to provide educational materials including films, tshirts, comics, buttons, stickers and more!
4) Get involved in the Olympic Resistance Network or other anti-Olympic groups in your neighbourhood or campus. The ORN has regular General Meetings on Sundays as well as many committees.
5) Spread the word about the convergence! Forward this notice to your contacts, download posters and flyers about the convergence from our website and pass them on!
6) Please donate! Hosting this convergence requires significant funds, including legal defence funds. You can donate securely through PayPal on our website: http://olympicresistance.net/content/send-us-money
or cheques can be made out to Olympic Resistance Network and mailed to ORN, 6 - 1857 Kitchener St, Vancouver, BC, V5L 2W5. Email ornfundraise@riseup.net to arrange direct deposits or other queries.
The 2010 Winter Olympics will take place on unceded Indigenous land. Far from being simply about sport, the history of the Olympics is one rooted in displacement, corporate greed, and repression. As Olympic promoters and sponsors seek to present their sanitized corporate brand image to the world, the real impacts of the Games are apparent to everyone:
* Expansion of sport tourism on Indigenous lands
* Increasing homelessness across the province and especially in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside
* Misdirected public spending and debt totaling $6 billion while funding for the arts, education, and health care are suffering cutbacks
* Corporate bailouts and profits for companies with some of the worst social and environmental records.
* Threats to basic civil liberties and free speech
* Union-busting and vulnerable working conditions for migrant labour
*Unprecedented destruction of the environment
* Unparalleled $1 billion police and security spending that is turning our city into a militarized zone.
Watch: Eight Reasons to Oppose the 2010 Winter Olympics:http://vimeo.com/4872922
The ORN supports the international resolution passed by over 1500 Indigenous delegates at the Intercontinental Indigenous Peoples Gathering in Sonora, Mexico to “ boycott the 2010 Olympic Games” based on Resolution #2 of the Gathering which states “We reject the 2010 Winter Olympics on sacred and stolen territory of Turtle Island–Vancouver, Canada”.
Based on this call, our organizing as natives and non-natives alike is largely being done under the slogan of "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land".
WEBSITE: olympicresistance.net
EMAIL: olympicresistance@riseup.net
Rethinking the Olympics: A Conference
As the city declares "free speech zones" we declare our right to speak freely wherever we may find ourselves. As the city fills with spectators,we insist on participation.
Join us for speakers, panels, films and workshops Jan.26th-28th! (All at UBC Student Union Building, organised by the Social Justice Centre.)
Jan. 26 Rethink the Olympics: A panel discussion featuring Chris Shaw, Gord Hill, Alissa Westergard-Thorpe and others.
Jan.26th 2-3:30 (SUB 214/216) Art and Activism: A Hands-On Workshop.
Jan.26th 3:30-5:00 (SUB 214/216)
Jan. 27 Imagining Activism: A panel discussion on the future of the activist, featuring Bruce Baum, Lorraine Weir, Geraldine Pratt, Christina Paris and Stefanie Ratjen.
Jan.27th 12:00-1:00 (SUB 214/216) Know Your Rights: A Workshop led by the BCCLA.
Jan.27th 1:00-2:00 (SUB 211) Impact on Housing: A panel discussion featuring local housing activists.
Jan.27th 2:00-3:00 (SUB 214/216) Food not Bombs!: A Food Security workshop.
Jan.27th 3:00-5:00 (SUB 245)
Jan. 28 The Coca-Cola Case: A film spotlighting the labour policies of the olympic sponsor.
Jan.28th 12:30-2:00 (Norm Theatre) Celebrating Resistance Party!: Music! Drinks! Good Times!
Jan.28th 6:00-10:00pm (Koerner Penthouse, GSC) and check out www.resistubc.ca for updated info and events. contact: ubcsjc@yahoo.ca
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