The fallout from the recent G20 police riot in Toronto continues to come down. More charges have been dropped, and more investigations are being set up to investigate police conduct during those days. Some people, however, continue to be prosecuted even though it is doubtful that even one single rioter involved in the riot that police allowed to happen will ever be charged with any real crime. One of these who was arrested elsewhere on flimsy evidence is Ryan Rainville, a native activist. Here is an appeal for support for him in his latest upcoming court appearance. From the Community Solidarity Network in Toronto...
Court Support for Ryan Rainville--Tuesday, Nov. 9
Ryan Rainville has had a court adjournment for his bail hearing from Thursday Nov 4th to Tuesday November 9th. Ryan will reappear on Tuesday November 9th at 9:30am at Superior Court of Justice, 361 University Avenue in Toronto, for his bail review. Please join his family, friends and supporters in the courthouse to show support to Ryan, who has been in jail since his arrest on August 5th 2010.
Ryan has been targeted as an Indigenous Sovereigntist from the Sakimay Nation, and charged with allegations stemming from June demonstrations against the G20 in Toronto. Ryan was denied bail in early August, and is being held at Maplehurst Correctional Complex.
His supporters would like to request that friends and allies come to the
Superior Court of Justice (361 University Ave) in Toronto to show their
support. Please note this is not a demonstration but a call for appropriate court support.
- For information on Ryan, please visit:
- To donate to his legal defence fund, you can mail cheques to:
No One Is Illegal-Toronto
90C Beverley Street, Toronto ON M5T 1Y1
Please be sure to indicate “Ryan Rainville” in the memo.
You can also make a secure donation online through Paypal on the No One Is Illegal-Toronto website (http://www.facebook.com/l/5cef0B7j6F7_CNGh1pS_pEyBcKg;toronto.nooneisillegal.org ). Please be sure to send an email to nooneisillegal@riseup.net and let us know you have donated and what amount.
- For more information please contact:
thesheelephant@yahoo.com or mcorbiere@hotmail.com or hwalia8@gmail.com
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