Ewww, the politicians will be unhappy tomorrow and Friday as the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) plans not one but two protests to disrupt the money making machine of the provincial Liberal Party, now in power in the province. Here's the notices....
Ottawa Wednesday: Crash the Liberal Party Fundraiser
No One Is Illegal, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty and Under Pressure invite you to CRASH THE PARTY!
When: Wednesday November 10th 6:00pm SHARP
...Where: Ottawa Crowne Plaza - 101 Lyon Street North
On Wedneseday November 10th the Ontario Liberal Party will be hosting a fundraiser dinner for themselves in downtown Ottawa, with Premier Dalton McGuinty as their special guest. Tickets to this event are 500$ and a table costs 5000$.
This year the Liberals have upped their attacks on poor people across Ontario in an unprecedented way. Not since the Conservative Party of Mike Harris has a provincial government not only let people live in poverty, but actually cut and gutted the money that those on welfare and disability receive.
Poor people in Ontario often have difficult decisions to make: pay the rent or pay the bills. Food on the table or a winter coat on their kids. But one thing we do not have a choice about is to fight. We are a community of struggle and we always have been. We know that to survive we need to fight these governments and their anti-poor agendas. Many of us in the struggle today were born into the Common Sense Revolution that saw poor people attacked viciously. Now we are seeing a new wave of attacks, by a different government with the same policies. But just as we have before, we are ready and willing to fight back and be disruptive. On Wednesday November 10th we invite all of our friends and allies to a disruptive noisy demo at the Liberal Party fundraiser supper. Let's makeit clear that they will have no peace as long as people are starving, dying on the streets and unable to pay their bills. Bring signs, flags, noisemakers and banners. Be ready to be loud! The aims of this demo are to deliver a clear, angry and disruptive message to the Liberal party, thoughwe will keep in mind that some participants may not be in arrestablesituations.
When: Wednesday November 10th 6:00pm SHARP
Where: Ottawa Crowne Plaza - 101 Lyon Street North
•raise welfare and ODSP rates 40%
•hands of the Special Diet
this demo is organized by:
No One Is Illegal – Ottawa
Under Pressure Coalition Against Poverty
Ontario Coalition Against Poverty
And also happening this Friday.
Support is needed outside the office of Shafiq Qaadri, MPP. 823 Albion Road at 11.30 AM
Those coming from downtown, meet at Islington Station (bus area) at 11.00 AM
On Monday evening, an OCAP delegation, mainly comprised of women from Etobicoke?s Somali community, crashed a fundraising event held by "their" MPP, Shafiq Qaadri. They were confronting him over his Government's attack on the Special Diet for people on Social Assistance. Qaadri agreed that he would meet with a delegation this Friday at noon at his constituency office and we are asking for maximum support for this.
We are going to gather outside the constituency office in numbers to show the support that exists for the right to decent income, the raising of welfare rates and for maintaining the Special Diet. However, we are not going to give Qaadri any excuse to cancel the meeting so we stress that only a small delegation from the local Somali community will be going in to meet with him. Qaadri chairs the Standing Committee on Social Policy, is himself a doctor and represents an area where the attack on the Special Diet is causing misery and ill health. He will have a lot to answer for this Friday and so do his fellow Liberal MPPs throughout Ontario.
Please come out on Friday and show your support.
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