The following item is originally from the International Transport Worker Federation. It came to Molly's attention via the Justice For Iranian Workers site. Molly has mentioned the cases of these Iranian unionists several times before on this blog.
Dear Friends,
The ITF has released the following press statement today.
ITF deplores continuing imprisonment of Shahabi, Osanloo and Madadi
29 October 2010
1. Commenting on the continuing imprisonment of members of the Vahed Syndicate, ITF Inland Transport Secretary Mac Urata said: “The injustice continues. There had been some hopes that the union’s treasurer, Reza Shahabi, might be released today, but they look like they will come to nothing - just like the regime’s empty promises to release Mansour Osanloo. We invite the Iranian government to prove us wrong and show that they can still do the decent thing and release these innocent workers.”
He continued: “We are reliably informed that Reza Shahabi is being heavily interrogated, despite reported health issues, and being denied legal advice and contact with his deeply worried family. His family have paid 60 million Toman (USD 60,000) in bail, but his release is still nowhere in sight.”
Reza Shahabi was arrested on 12 June this year without any charges being specified by the authorities. In August the ITF’s 42nd Congress in Mexico City unanimously adopted an emergency resolution to demand his and Mansour Osanloo and Ebrahim Madadi’s immediate release.
2. In the recent weeks, some transport unions including the Belgian BTB and the Dutch FNV Bondgenoten have given the status of honorary membership to Osanloo and other detained leaders of the union.
3. During the ITF's Respect and Safety Action Week, 6 - 12 October, 100 members of the Belgian ACV Transcom protested in front of the Iranian Embassy in Brussels to demand freedom for Mansoor Osanloo and other imprisoned Iranian trade unionists. So did the Japanese JRU union delegation in Tokyo but their request to meet with the envoy and to submit a letter were refused. Bus members of the union will write postcards to the President of Iran on this matter. Earlier, on 17 September, Norwegian Transport Workers Union, Fagforbundet and two other unions demonstrated outside the Iranian Embassy in Oslo, prior to the UN's General Assembly in New York where the Iranian President was scheduled to attend.
Send us your reports and plans for actions - Mac
Dear Friends,
The ITF has released the following press statement today.
ITF deplores continuing imprisonment of Shahabi, Osanloo and Madadi
29 October 2010
1. Commenting on the continuing imprisonment of members of the Vahed Syndicate, ITF Inland Transport Secretary Mac Urata said: “The injustice continues. There had been some hopes that the union’s treasurer, Reza Shahabi, might be released today, but they look like they will come to nothing - just like the regime’s empty promises to release Mansour Osanloo. We invite the Iranian government to prove us wrong and show that they can still do the decent thing and release these innocent workers.”
He continued: “We are reliably informed that Reza Shahabi is being heavily interrogated, despite reported health issues, and being denied legal advice and contact with his deeply worried family. His family have paid 60 million Toman (USD 60,000) in bail, but his release is still nowhere in sight.”
Reza Shahabi was arrested on 12 June this year without any charges being specified by the authorities. In August the ITF’s 42nd Congress in Mexico City unanimously adopted an emergency resolution to demand his and Mansour Osanloo and Ebrahim Madadi’s immediate release.
2. In the recent weeks, some transport unions including the Belgian BTB and the Dutch FNV Bondgenoten have given the status of honorary membership to Osanloo and other detained leaders of the union.
3. During the ITF's Respect and Safety Action Week, 6 - 12 October, 100 members of the Belgian ACV Transcom protested in front of the Iranian Embassy in Brussels to demand freedom for Mansoor Osanloo and other imprisoned Iranian trade unionists. So did the Japanese JRU union delegation in Tokyo but their request to meet with the envoy and to submit a letter were refused. Bus members of the union will write postcards to the President of Iran on this matter. Earlier, on 17 September, Norwegian Transport Workers Union, Fagforbundet and two other unions demonstrated outside the Iranian Embassy in Oslo, prior to the UN's General Assembly in New York where the Iranian President was scheduled to attend.
Send us your reports and plans for actions - Mac
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