As I have promised before, I stop and think at the 50,000 page views at Molly's Blog. The "visits" are now approaching 29,000, while the page views are now much more than the requisite 50,000. What does this mean ? It means that I have at least been doing a little bit right on this blog. People actually drop by here to the tune of tens of thousands. I see little reason to change the major "set-up" of this blog. Molly's Blog has always been a conglomeration of many things. It is a "news source" for anarchist events in Canada, something that no other anarchist site in Canada has undertaken. Too bad ,because I am sure that a concentration on this one thing could produce better results than I can, especially in terms of translation between French and English. Molly has done such translations before and will continue to do such things in the future. But,as I have said before on this blog, I am not the greatest bilingual person in the world. My translations from the French may contain serious errors, let alone my translations from Spanish. But these are Molly's languages for better or worse.
My links now include both "Liens en Français"and also Enlaces en Español. This folows my own knowledge of other languages ie French and Spanish. This leads into what I have to do in the near future.The French and Spanish sections of this blog have been establised. In the future I will go beyond this classification and subdivide some of the links sections that are getting too large and unwieldy.
Since I went to a (more or less) digest formula starting from the New Year of 2008 the visits to this blog have increased considerably, even if they can't match the visits of last August when there was both the Perseid meteor shower and an eclipse of the Moon. This is very much a pattern. Most of the people who drop by here at Molly's Blog drop by for reasons unconnected to anarchism. This is not wrong but it should serve as a "notice" to the anarchist comrades who are entranced by the idea of "revolution". A meteor shower is much more interesting to the average person than "social evolution/revolution" is. That is the reality of life.
All that being said I am extremely glad to be closing in on my 30,000 visit and my 51,000 page view. I guess, as a small and tiny blog situated in the far corners of the universe-Winnipeg- that I haven't done too bad. This is my party for now. The next one will be at the 50,000 visit mark.
Does Molly's Blog have an effect ? I actually don't know. If it has had no effect over the years that it has existed then maybe it is time to shut it down, or revert the blog to making statements about astronomy and evolutionary biology. Not too bad from my point of view. BUT I still believe that this format can have an effect because of the great "sign-up" of the internet today. Life and experience will prove me right or wrong. Such is the internet;
Molly in her uncertainty.-July 2008.
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