"Kamagasaki" is the old name of a district comprising four towns in Osaka, Japan. The newer (since 1966) name for the district is Airin-chiku, but by any name it is known as "Japan's largest slum". Since 1961 there have been a series of riots in the area. The latest, the 24th, occur ed this June 13 to 21 in connection with the G8 Finance Ministers' meeting in Osaka. During the crackdown prior to the meeting police arrested and tortured a day labourer. Other labourers and local citizens revolted, and the disturbances continued for several days.
After the riots local police continued to exert as much pressure as possible on the community. One of these was the unnamed "comrade Y". The following appeal from Japanese anarchists was transmitted via the Asian Anarchist Network. I have slightly edited it for reasons of English grammar.
Comrades & friends,
-WE CAN'T FORGIVE ALL OF YOU for arresting the so-called "criminals" of the Kamagasaki riot to the polizei station!
-RELEASE ALL OF "CRIMINALS" OF KAMAGASAKI RIOT on 13-21 june 2008 right now!
Salute from a roadside of the eastern suburb of Osaka prefecture(kawachi area). This is some general update information about a homeless comrade_Y , a member of FWF.
On the morning of 9 July 2008, a homeless comrade_Y , a member of FWF, was suddenly arrested by the Osaka gestapo at an office of the Kamagasaki-liberation building as a criminal ie someone doing the right things against the police-pigs on 15 June 2008. On same day, 4 young persons were arrested by Osaka police on the same criminal charges resulting from the Kamagasaki riot from 13-21 June 2008. This is a weird reason for the arrest. He was a resident of Utsubo park tent village since 30 Jan. 2006. However, osaKKKa city authorities and police swept 6 huts of homeless comrades away from that park for the noble persons and their Rose convention in 2006.
On 11 July 2008, the Osaka gestapo took homeless comrade_Y from the Nishinari police station to Higashi polizei station's custody. Right now, the police prevent his contacts from everyone, excepting his lawer. However, we will be able to bring something for his life at Higashi police station. If you will be able to do something, protest to the Japanese officials in your areas.
And send courageous messages to the comrade_Y.(we can receive your msg to him atrebel_factory@riseup.net) thanx.
In struggle against the state control and state terror.
(rebel_JILL/an unemployed person)
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