The following item was recently published on the A-Infos site, but the source was the English language section of the Russian anarchist news service Avtonom. The following has been slightly edited for reasons of English grammar (mostly articles and prepositions).
Russia, Anti-nuclear camp* against nuclear power plant construction in Nizhni-Novgorod
From the 5th to 15th of August the Nizhni-Novgorod Anti-Nuclear Movement, Autonomous Action, Rainbow Keepers and independent environmentalists will organise an ecological protest camp against the development of nuclear energy and construction of a nuclear power plant in the Nizhni-Novgorod region.
--- About the problem ---
A plan to construct a new nuclear power plant Nizhni Novgorod area is part of the general plan to develop the nuclear sector in Russia, in the framework of which construction of 36 new nuclear reactors is planned in Russia. The government of the Nizhni-Novgorod agreed to the construction of nuclear power plant in the region in April 2007. In 2008 "Atomenergoproekt" should make prior investments to construction of a nuclear power plant in the Nizhni-Novgorod region, in 2009 the station should be designed, and the first reactor should be in operation in 2016.
According to opinion polls, conducted by ROMIR and the Open Sociology Fund,between 62% and 66% of the inhabitants of the region are against construction of the nuclear power plant. Although the head of the state corporation Rosatom Sergei Kirienko has announced that "we will not build objects in regions, where more than half of the inhabitants are against us", Rosatom is not planning to withdraw from the project of construction of the plant in the Nizhni-Novgorod region.
About the Camp
The camp will consist of seminars, trainings, movie screenings, protest actions and a concert. A more detailed program will be announced later on. The camp will function on anti-authoritarian principles; decisions will be made at general meetings. We invite all environmentalists, anti-authoritarian organisations and other people prepared to demonstrate against the development of nuclear energy to join the camp.
In the camp people will be accommodated in tents, please bring your own tent if you have one, as well as a sleeping bag, mattress, warm clothes and cutlery with you. Food will be prepared in camp by the camp participators themselves. If you have some special needs in regards to food or accommodation, as well as in case you may not be able to provide yourself with a tent, please let us know in prior to camp.
To join the camp, we request you to fill out a form, which will be sent to you by e-mail upon request.
The camp will be financed by the participants themselves and by donations. We recommend a participation fee of 50 rubles/day (1.50 euros/day) from each participant in order to cover cost of food in the camp, but ,of course, nobody will be turned because of inability to pay.
There is also a webmoney account to help the camp,
R304884750060. Instructions how to donate through Webmoney are available at http://www.wmtransfer.com/eng/addfunds/.
aniatomcamp2008-AT-yahoo.com (Nizhni Novgorod)
camp_nn-AT-riseup.net, +7-906-796-88-29 (Moscow)
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