Monday, June 11, 2007

Here's another selection of interesting recent blog posts from Molly's blogroll. This time the selection goes from the letter "b" to the letter "f".
A: Capitalism Bad;Tree Pretty, a New Zealand feminist blogger has an interesting recent post complaining about fashion designers who donate their wares to "worthy causes" for fundraising events but at the same time make their living off sweatshop labour. She also has another post where she throws a well deserved temper tantrum at one aspect of the "natural medicine" cult. The title is 'Shut Up You Self Involved Twit'
B: The Carnival of Anarchy will be holding its next carnival on the weekend of June 22nd to June 24th. The subject will be 'Anarchism and Ecology'. Drop on over to the liveliest anarchist discussion spot on the internet. Read what the previous acts under the big top have been and sign up now so you don't miss the fun.
C: The Australian blogger Contradiction has an interesting report on resistance in Indonesia. The title is 'Laughing At the Enemy', and it pays homage to the creativity of our Indonesian comrades.
More later as Molly scrabbles towards the end of the alphabet. eat your heart out Sesame Street.

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