The Olympics Resistance Network will be holding a conference next month on resistance to the 2010 games. Here are the details.
Oct 25 / 26 : Why Resist 2010? A Conference on the Vancouver Olympic Games:
- save the date
Sunday October 26th
10:30 am - 5:30 pm
@ SFU Harbour Centre
515 West Hastings, corner Granville,
Waterfront Skytrain Station
Saturday October 25th
Benefit Show in the evening (details to be confirmed)
---- Tentative Schedule for Sunday October 26
---- 10:30 am: Doors and Registration
---- 11 am to 1 pm: Panel: ---- - Myths and Realities of the Olympics Industry
---- - The Olympics Legacy in Vancouver
---- - Impacts on Indigenous Peoples and Lands
---- - Corporatism in the Olympics
---- - Olympics, Tar Sands, and the Security and Prosperity Partnership
---- 1 pm to 1:30 pm: Lunch break
---- 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm:
Workshops: Educate yourself and get involved!
---- - Olympics-style Displacement from Indigenous, Rural, to Urban communities
---- - Olympics Security Apparatus and Criminalization of Resistance
* Please note: Program updates will be posted to http://www.no2010.com. Checkback frequently.
* Bag Lunch will be provided.*
Please be in touch as early as possible to register for free childcare so we can make appropriate arrangements.
* Bus tickets will be available.
Organized by the Olympics Resistance Network.
For more information email olympicresistance@riseup.net.
==> About the Olympics Resistance Network <==
The 2010 Winter Olympics will take place on unceded indigenous land from February 12-28 2010. Far from being simply about ‘sport’, the history of the Olympics is one rooted in displacement, corporate greed, fascism,repression, and violence. Only the political and corporate elite – from real estate developers to security corporations – have anything to gain from the Olympics industry. The effects of the upcoming Winter Games have already manifested themselves- with the expansion of sport tourism and resource extraction on indigenous lands; increasing homelessness and gentrification of poor neighborhoods; increasing privatization of public services; union busting through imposed contracts and exploitative conditions especially for migrant labour; the fortification of the national security apparatus; ballooning public spending and public debt;and unprecedented destruction of the environment.
The Olympics Resistance Network is primarily based in Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories and exists as a space to coordinate anti-2010 Olympics efforts. In doing so, we act in solidarity with other communities across 'BC' - particularly indigenous communities who have been defending their land against the onslaught of the Olympics since the bid itself. Our organizing is largely being done under the slogan of "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land", while creating an opportunity for all anti-capitalist, indigenous, anti-poverty, labour, migrant justice, environmental justice, anti-war, and anti colonial activists to come together to confront this two-week circus and the oppression it represents.
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