Winnipeg's radical book publishers Arbeiter Ring continue producing fine reading material. Check out their website for the full catalogue. In the meantime here's their announcements for the month of April.
April 2009:
Check out our three new releases due out this month: World in Crisis by Gabriel Kolko, Let Them Eat Junk by Robert Albritton, and In and Out of the Working Class by Michael D. Yates.
Join us for the launch of Let Them Eat Junk with author Robert Albritton on Sunday, April 26, from 3:30 to 6:00 pm at the Gladstone Hotel (1214 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario). Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the event. RSVP to ralbritt [at] yorku.ca.
Congratulations to ARP author Jan Guenther Braun. Jan's novel Somewhere Else has been nominated for the Eileen McTavish Sykes Award for best first book. The awards will be handed out at the Manitoba Book Awards on Saturday, April 25, at the Winnipeg Art Gallery (300 Memorial Boulevard) in the Muriel Richardson Auditorium. Cocktails are at 7:30 pm, with the ceremony starting at 8:30 pm, followed by a small reception. Admission is free and all are welcome to attend.
As part of the lead up to the Manitoba Book Awards, Aqua Books (274 Garry Street, Winnipeg) will be hosting a reading by Jan on Wednesday, April 8, at 7:00 pm.
Jan will be a special guest for Two on a Choo-Choo: The Dodds & Tierney Poetry Train featuring Jeramy Dodds and Matthew Tierney at McNally Robinson (Grant Park, travel alcove) on Sunday, April 19, at 7:00.
ARP has joined the Literary Press Group! Please see our new catalogue and our "How to Order" page for updated information on how to order our books.
Watch for our new fall 2009 catalogue coming in May.
Watch the W Five episode online that explores the events leading up to the struggle detailed in ARP's newest release, Dishonour of the Crown by Paula Sherman.
Listen to an interview with David McNally, author of Another World is Possible, on KPFA 94.1 in Berkley, California, at www.againstthegrain.org.
If you're a blogger and you've always wanted to review an ARP title, check out www.minibookexpo.com. New and older ARP books will be made available through the site to online reviewers free of charge. Copies are limited, so check it out today.
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