Zabalaza is the publication of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front, a platformist organization in South Africa. Zabalaza is also the source of one of the best online anarchist libraries in the world, all available in downloadable pdfs. Here is the announcement of the latest edition of their magazine via the Anarkismo website.
Zabalaza No.10 Now Available:
The Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF) is pleased to announce that issue number 10 of our organ Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism is now available. Unfortunately, however, we are unable to upload it to our website Zabalaza.net at present. Please therefore contact us at zacf [at] zabalaza [dot] net if you would like us to email you the PDF, which you can then print out and distribute. Alternatively check Zabalaza.net regularly as it should be available for download soon. Individual articles will also be published on Anarkismo.net as time goes by.
In this issue:
Southern Africa
«Editorial by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF)
«Unite Against the Minority, Then Unite Against the Majority? (Zambia) by Malele D. Phirii, Zambia
« The Jacob Zuma Cargo Cult and the “Implosion” of Alliance Politics (South Africa) by Michael Schmidt (ZACF)
«A Bitter Taste to the Sugarcane (Swaziland) by Michael Schmidt (ZACF)
«Four Tools for Community Control – Part I: “Mutual Aid” (Southern Africa) by Stefanie Knoll (ZACF)
«Zimbabwe’s Party-Political Stitch-Up - How the Zanu-PF/MDC Deal Ignored Civil Society by Jonathan P. (ZACF)
«The Anarchist Movement in North Africa: 1877 - 1951 by Michael Schmidt (ZACF) & Lucien van der Walt
«Socialists and Gaullists Haunted by the Ghosts of Genocide (Rwanda) by Guillaume Davranche (Alternative Libertaire), France
«Jalan Journal: A New Asian Anarchist Voice is Born with introduction by Michael Schmidt (ZACF)
«30th Congress of the National Confederation of Labour (France) by CNT-F
«Hamas, the Left and Liberation in Palestine by Sevinc (Workers’ Solidarity Movement), Ireland
«Interview with Ilan Shalif from Anarchists Against the Wall - Israel/Palestine
«A Hot Winter in Greece by Stefanie Knoll (ZACF)
«Something Smells Different in Cuba by Movimiento Libertario Cubano, with introduction by Michael Schmidt (ZACF)
«Imperialism, China and Russia by Pier Francesco Zarcone (Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici), Italy
«Against Political Terror in Russia, We Mobilise! by the International Secretary, Alternative Libertaire, France/ Belgium
«Change We Need: An Anarchist Perspective on the 2008 US Election by North-Eastern Federation of Anarchist Communists (NEFAC), USA, with introduction by Michael Schmidt (ZACF)
«Tangled Threads of Revolution: Reflections on Anarchist Communists: A Question of Class by James Pendlebury (ZACF)
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