Saturday, January 10, 2009

While the federal Conservative government is trying to present an image of having an economic plan to deal with the financial crisis, while being quite coy about the specifics, others have stepped into the breech with their own ideas of what should be done. One of these is the Canadian Labour Congress, and what follows is an article leading into the details of how they think Canada should respond in perilous economic times. Here is their plan, published early this month. Not that I could agree with every detail, but it shows that at least some people are thinking more of the country and its people than of political advantage.
Canadians have been hit hard by the economic crisis. We are losing thousands of jobs and our pensions are taking a beating.
Government must find solutions that help everybody, not just the banks and corporations that got us into this mess. Working people and their unions are going to be part of the solution as Canadians rebuild their lives and communities.
The Canadian Labour Congress has a plan to stimulate the economy and to create and protect jobs, pensions and public services.

Tell your MP that the government must find solutions that help everybody, not just the banks and corporations that got us into this mess. Working people must be a part of the solution.
What you can do:
***LEARN MORE ON THE ISSUE - Infrastructure & procurement; Employment Insurance & training; Manufacturing, mining & forestry jobs; Pension protection; Improving our public services
***CONTACT YOUR UNION LOCAL & LABOUR COUNCIL to find out how you can help with their campaign to make the next federal budget work for us.
The Canadian Labour Congress has a plan to stimulate the economy and to create and protect jobs, pensions and public services. The federal government must:
***Increase Employment Insurance benefits. Workers have paid billions into EI but benefits have been drastically reduced. The EI fund is running a huge surplus and it should be used to improve access to benefits for unemployed workers.
***Ensure that laid-off workers have access to training and adjustment programs.
***Launch a major public investment program to create good jobs in infrastructure, manufacturing and public services, and link this program to a Made-in-Canada procurement policy. Ensure that government contracts promote a strong public sector, unionization and inclusion of women and workers of colour in good jobs.
***Provide a pension guarantee fund for workers’ pensions. Even the United States has one. Phase in increases to the Canada and Quebec pension plans and immediately raise Old Age Security to protect retirees and reduce reliance on private pensions and RRSPs.
***Invest directly in sector renewal strategies designed to save jobs and promote successful restructuring in hard-hit industries such as auto and forest products. Pursue strategies to support cultural industries, energy efficiency, renewable energy and other promising sectors.
***Maintain equalization and other transfers to provinces and cities for public infrastructure, public services and social programs.
2008-12-15 15:49
The federal government should, in partnership with the provinces and cities, launch a major multi-year public investment program which would create jobs now, promote our environmental goals and build new industries for the future. It should cover roads, sewers and basic municipal infrastructure; health and educational facilities; mass transit; passenger rail; affordable housing; energy conservation through building retrofits; and renewable energy.

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