It is a continued pleasant surprise for Molly to see evidence of anarchism popping up in what are, to me, the most unlikely of places. Richmond, Virginia for instance, which apparently has quite an active community. Here is the announcement of their new news website, Radical Richmond, which replaces the old Richmond Indymedia, closed for reasons similar to those that have led (twice) to the closing of Winnipeg Indymeia. A little question about their web address. Molly finally managed to reach it at http://radicalrichmond.net , not the http://www.radicalrichmond.com listed below. Hopefully this will be clarified soon.
New Radical Richmond Independent News Site:
The Richmond Anarchist scene is proud to announce the debut of a brand new website, hosting radical news, events, opinion, and pictures from the Richmond anarchist and radical movements.The Richmond Indymedia website effectively closed a while ago, and the void of a radical news hub has been tough on Richmond's movements. Now www.radicalrichmond.com is a blog format site designed to take over the services provided by an indymedia site.
---- Anyone with news stories, articles, opinions, events, photos or etc. relating to the Richmond radical and anarchist movements is encouraged to submit to the site. We aren't trying to censor, just trying to keep the site spam and irrelevancy free - as that was one of the main problems with the indymedia site.Once again, www.radicalrichmond.com is the new hub to find out about radical and anarchist events in Richmond and the surrounding area - including but not limited to: Critical Mass, the Really Really Free Market, Food Not Bombs, Clinic Defense, the Anarchist Black Cross, the Zine Festival, Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project, Homes Not Jails, Animal Liberation, Environmental Issues, Anarchist Soccer, Earth First, Mountain Justice, SDS, Infoshops, Movie Screenings, Queer Activism, the People United,the Labor Pool Feeding Program etc.
Submit articles to: xveganarchistrvax@gmail.com or use the submit box on www.radicalrichmond.com
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