In February, 2006 workers at the Dutch and Turkish owned Metraco factory in Istanbul Turkey began an union organizing campaign. The management responded with an agressive anti-union campaign, and many workers were fired for their pro-union activities. This campaign continues to this day, and the Metraco workers have called for an international solidarity campaign to pressure management to reinstate the fired workers, to cease its anti-union campaign and to recognize and negotiate with the Disk-Tekstil union about working conditions in the plant. This campaign has been supported by the Clean Clothes Campaign, the Fair Wear Foundation, MODINT and many of the brands sourced at Metraco. To learn more about this situation go to http://www.cleanclothes.org/urgent/07-07-03.htm . To join in the campaign go to http://www.cleanclothes.org/urgent/07-07-03.htm#action .
The Clean Clothes Campaign is an online labour solidarity site focusing on the textile and clothing sector. If you wish to receive their action alerts you can sign up at http://www.cleanclothes.org/action
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