Since September 2006 the British American Tobacco Company (BAT) has been pressuring their workers in Malaysia with two different tactics. The main tactic is to reclassify technicians as "management" and thereby deprive them of union representation. They have also attempted to reclassify sales staff as "management" as well. In addition to this the company is using the (now) old tactic of outsourcing their technical services department. The termination package offered to the workers is ridiculous and the workers involved have rejected it through their union the BATEU (BAT Employees' Union).
The IUF (See Molly's 'Other Interesting Links' section) has initiated a campaign for international pressure against this blatant attempt at union busting. Go to http://www.iuf.org/cgi-bin/dbman/db.cgi?db=default&uid=default&ID=4281&view_records=1&ww=1&en=1 for a backgrounder and to participate in this campaign.
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