The latest issue of Anarcho-Syndicalist Review (Spring, 2007, #46) has just coming hopping like the spring bunny into Molly's mailbox. The mag is up to its usual high standards and is chock full of news, analysis and history. Major articles include 'Being Wrong is No Hindrance When You Empower the Rich', a debunking of the economics of Milton Friedman and how it was applied under the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile. A book review of 'Debunking Economics:The Naked Emperor of the Social Sciences' by Steve Keen expands this discussion into other aspects of economics other than those of Friedman. There's also 'Anarchists in the Italian Factory Occupations', about Italy in the early part of the 20th century. There are two articles on Africa. One is 'Systems Crashing, People Pushing Back: A Survey of Struggles and Issues in Four African States'. Another is 'Travels Through Africa' , centred around Nigeria, Ghana and Senegal.
There's also reportage from the recent World Social Forum in Nairobi, 'Clouds of Complicity &Compromise or Swords of Justice & Solidarity' and, stemming from this, a call for a new international "Chartism" in the article titled 'Towards a Global Labor Charter Movement-Starting With the World Social Forum 2007.
Short news items, book reviews, an obituary of Murray Bookchin and numerous announcements of events round out this fine issue.
The website of Anarcho-Syndicalist Review is http://www.syndicalist.org . Subscriptions are $15 US for four issues, $2 extra fro subs outside of the USA. Cheques payable to Anarcho-Syndicalist Review. Mailing address is Box 42531, Philadelphia PA 19101, USA. Back issues and bundle orders are available.
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