Molly has recently received a communication via George Salzman, an anarchist physicist presently resident in Oaxaca. She reprints the full text of the communique below:
Mis amigos,
Mid afternoon on May 1, Labor Day, students took over the radio station at the Autonomous University Benito Juarez of Oaxaca. They explained that they intended to give ample coverage to the labor day events, which included a march by the Popular Assembly Movement.
By seven o'clock that night government supporters were already hard at work jamming the university signal. By 10:00 the students were no longer audible. The fear of the government is that the public may hear honest news, news of real events that affect the lives of people without money and power, in towns lacking any access to newspapers. Their only source of news is government controlled corporate television.
The only available remedy is community radio. Right now young Oaxaquenos are working to put on the air as many community radio facilities as the community can afford. The technical support project for them is completely Oaxaqueno in staff and muscle. It's controlled and managed at the base, in a system of democratic participation. But the funding comes in part from people like you.
This is the moment to show Oaxaca communities that they are not alone in wanting access to the truth as it relates to them in their towns and villages. Your donation, of any amount, will help to maintain the vital training and technical support provided by Servicios de Communicacion de Oaxaca secomo@riseup.net .
The best way to send money is to send a check made out to "Jean Rodriguez" for Servicios de Communicacion de Oaxaca and mail it to:
Jean Rodriguez
917 N. Van Ness
Fresno, CA 93728, USA
Her telephone number is 559-445-0425
Her email address is wabob@earthlink.net
Jean can refer you to contacts in Oaxaca
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