Saturday, October 13, 2007

The following is a communique from the International Committee of the CNT-France (the non-AIT anarchosyndicalists). Check out their website for a wealth of news on libertarian labour, both in France and elsewhere.
This is a consequence of an agreement concluded on January 27th between La Poste management and bosses and unions which have representatives (Molly Note- in the works' councils common in most European countries) (CFDT, FO, CFTC, UNSA and CGT). The CGT and SUD have refused to sign but have also refused to vote against this agreement. Funny enough, this agreement was signed to "facilitate and develop the social dialogue" (while they gagged any disagreement). Since then La Poste hasn't hesitated to sanction a Parisian comrade by giving him 15 days off work without pay because he handed out CNT leaflets at his workplace. In one month another comrade will be summoned to the disciplinary council of La Poste and can be fired from his job. Other CNT workers are threatened.
Behind the CNT it is class struggle syndicalism that is being attacked, a syndicalism opposed to restructuring and privatization. No doubt that this is just a step towards the total censorship of all contestation in all sectors of society. Soon other public services will be attacked, not to mention the private sector. Only mainstream unions not opposed to these attacks on the workers will survive. But we will not let this happen !!
The International Committee of the CNT calls on all its international partners to organize on the 23rd of October for actions of solidarity on the day of the syndical elections(Molly Note-elections to the works councils) in the postal sector.
Please send us the photos and messages of solidarity:
In Solidarity,
International Committee of the CNT

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