If you live down Toronto way it's time to dish out the dough and grab up the stuff at the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty(OCAP) annual rummage sale. Here's the announcement.
OCAP Rummage Sale - June 20, at the 'Big on Bloor Street' Festival:
OCAP Rummage Sale!!
Saturday June 20th - 1 - 4 pm!
OCAP will be having its annual rummage sale on Saturday June 20 - from 1 -4 pm, during the Big on Bloor Festival at Bloor and Delaware (2 blocks west of Ossington). If you have quality goods to donate - either:
1. Bring them at 1 pm on the day of the sale (preferred!)
.2. Contact us at ocaprummagesale@gmail.com about our drop off location
3. Contact us at ocaprummagesale@gmail.com about pick ups - on Thursday June 18th or Friday June 19th.
Please note that this year due to space restrictions OCAP will not be able to accommodate the number of items which have so generously been donated in previous years, and therefore ask that people be selective with donations this year. And as ever, we thank you for your support!
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