Molly is really late out the starting gate on this one, but there are at least two more days of events left in this week in support of indigenous sovereignty. Here's the announcement. Molly has mentioned some of these events before, but here they are all in one place. Please note that this list was previously posted on the local Winnipeg Wobbly Blog.
Indigenous Sovereignty Week:
Winnipeg indigenous peoples solidarity movement - w.ipsm
Sun Oct 25 at 11:00 am until Sat Oct 31 at 4:00 pm
downtown Winnipeg and u of m
Events happening all week:
Winnipeg indigenous peoples solidarity movement - w.ipsm
Sun Oct 25 at 11:00 am until Sat Oct 31 at 4:00 pm
downtown Winnipeg and u of m
Events happening all week:
++Sunday, 25 Oct. - vegan abc brunch 11-3 Mondragon with speakers starting at noon
++Monday 26 Oct. *film 'Green Green Water,' with discussion on Hydro's violation of Aboriginal rights in N. Manitoba @ 7PM Eckhardt-Grammatte, third floor U of W
++Tuesday 27 Oct. Winnipeg Copwatch will be hosting "Start your own Copwatch"Tuesday, 5PM, Magnus Eliason Recreation Centre, Langside at S of Ellice.
*film 'The Scars of Mercury' and discussion on history of mercury poisoning of indigenous commnities @ 7PM Eckhardt-Grammatte, third floor U of W
++Wednesday 28 Oct. *panel: Urban Issues and community policing - 7:30 U of W Eckhart-Grammatt
++Thursday 29 Oct.*Film 'Finding Dawn' with presentations and discussion, 12 - 2PM Aboriginal House U of M
*Sovereign Indigenous Voices - spoken word and music - 7-11PM Urban Shaman Gallery, 203-290 McDermot Avenue
++Friday 30 Oct sovereignty expressed. decolonizing the street. email winnipeg.ipsm@gmail.com for more information or to partake in planning this unique event...
++Saturday 31 Oct Defenders of the Land: Voices of Resistance featuring four Aboriginal activists standing up to the Tar Sands, Hydroelectricity's floods and broken promises, uranium mining, and clearcut logging panel and workshops 12-4 PM, U of Winnipeg Bulman Student Centre, Spence St. doors and downstairs (*venue subject to change)...
And here's a recent update on some of the events.
Events Update for the Week...:
Hi all, as we head over to U of W for tonight's 7PM screening of Green, Green Water on Manitoba Hydro's northern history, we have these events updates:
1) Tuesday evening's film showing of 'The Scars of Mercury': Anthony Henry, Band manager of Whitedog, is attending the screening of The Scars of Mercury. Anthony represents 10 residents who are requesting their mercury data from Health Canada. The request was done in 2005 and has been ignored so for. He will be happy to join Q & A session after the screening.
2) Wednesday: NEW EVENT, afternoon: the University of Winnipeg Aboriginal Governance Program and the Politics Department are co-sponsoring a talk on Wednesday, October 28 by Rights Action activist Graham Russell who will speak about Indigenous and Community based resistance to Gold Mining in Honduras and Guatemala. The talk will take place from 12-2pm in Eckhardt Grammate Hall. Admission is free!
3) Saturday's big event at U of W's Bulman Student Ctr, 12-4, Defenders of the Land. We can confirm the following speakers: Mike Mercredi of Fort Chipewyan on the Tar Sands' impact on his community; Roberta Keesick and Judy da Silva of Grassy Narrows on the ongoing assertion of traditional land use rights in the 'whiskeyjack forest,'; Sam McKay of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug in Ontario (of the KI 6) talking about his community's resistance of uranium exploration on their lands and the state's repressive response; and a speaker on Manitoba Hydro's ongoing legacy of destruction and division in N. Manitoba.
See you all out at these events!
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