Well it's official now. The scandal plagued Manitoba Hydro has now been hit by am official strike on the part of the IBEW. Two other unions, the CEP and CUPE may also come out soon, and the sooner the better so as to focus the minds of management away from their political scandals. Here's the latest news on this matter from our local Winnipeg Wobbly Blog. Stay tuned there for updates.
Local: Manitoba Hydro on Strike!:
As reported a day or so ago, workers organized in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 2034 who work at Manitoba Hydro, have gone on strike.
As reported a day or so ago, workers organized in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 2034 who work at Manitoba Hydro, have gone on strike.
Please join the Solidarity with Manitoba Hydro workers! facebook group to show your web support. We're a little late with this notice, but there still is time to get to one of the meeting places to show up when the media is around tonight:
How you can help:
How you can help:
Tomorrow, Saturday October 3 at 2:00 pm please join us as we stretch our legs for an hour outside of Manitoba Hydro's new Corporate location ......"Hydro Place" at 360 Portage Ave.
The longer the line..the shorter the strike!
To show your support and solidarity….join your brothers and sisters on the picket line this evening at 6:00pm at any one of our 24 hour locations.
*35 Sutherland. The media will be showing up at this location at 6:00pm.
*Central Dispatch Center 951 Grant Ave.
*System Control at 453 Dovercourt.
On Monday please go to the picket location closest to your residence.
The longer the line the shorter the strike!
If and when the branch organizes some solidarity support, we will post it up here.
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