Well, I'll be damned (some say this is very likely); he did it and he got away with it. Reverend Kevin Annett, formerly of the United Church, held the memorial service just outside the Vatican for native victims of the Roman Catholic residential schools, and it went off without a hitch. I don't know what I was expecting. Perhaps a sudden flinging open of a sacristy door with Sergeant Furius Sanctus and his Gregorian Chanting Commandos (part of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Joint Task Force) storming out, flanked by Pope Rottweiller's personal pack of Dobermans. Nope, as I said, without a hitch.
Anyways, here's the story from a Facebook site, 'The Largest Native Facebook Group'. It may indeed live up to its name, as it seems to have 29,620 members. I find it strange, however, that a Facebook group emanating from here in Winnipeg is hosted by Facebook Sweden !!! I'm sure there is a reason; it's just that I can't comprehend it. The items at the site , however, are all in English. The plan for this service was reported earlier at this blog. For regular updates on what is happening with Kevin Annett see either his site or the Porkupine Blog from which the first item was taken.
Breaking News: Memorial Service for the Murdered Residential School Children, and a Symbolic Exorcism Rite, conducted outside the Vatican today:
Rome, Italy
Sunday October 11, 6 pm local time
The first public memorial service ever held in Rome for the victims of Catholic Indian Residential Schools was conducted today outside the Vatican shortly after Pope Joseph Ratzinger spoke to a gathered crowd.
Held across from St. Peter's Square, the service was officiated by Reverend Kevin Annett of Canada's Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared. Rev. Annett was commissioned by families of the dead and aboriginal elders in Vancouver to hold the service and bring the truth of the Vatican's role in the genocide of native people to the very place where that crime was planned.
Rev. Annett said prayers for the dead and scattered on the pavement in front of the Vatican water and soil from the site of a mass grave at a Catholic Indian Residential school in Canada.
"The cries of the murdered children have reached the heavens, and call out for justice" Rev. Annett declared, before media cameras.
"Let all wayward spirits depart forever from this place, so that the truth may be laid bare for all to see."
The service proceeded undisturbed, despite the presence of numerous police and Vatican security forces nearby. ( Brrr...big thugs packing heat with Roman collars-Molly )
Rev. Annett also conducted a symbolic exorcism during the service, aimed at what he termed the "spirit of anti-Christ and worldliness" that rules the Vatican. To the Pope and Cardinals who gathered on the Vatican steps, Rev. Annett declared,
"May the Christ of compassion awaken your hearts to what you have become and how your church is a worldly captive and a murderer of the innocent ... Let all lies and darkness leave this place. Let anti-Christ depart from here, and may the last be first, and the first last."
Rev. Annett splashed sacred water from the land near a residential school on the pavement in front of the Vatican three times as he spoke, and then scattered soil from a mass grave at the same school to the winds, saying,
"We lay these elements of the murdered Indian children to rest, here where their murder was planned, so that their spirits may always be a witness against the Lie that poses as the church of Christ. May their little souls find eternal peace, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust."
Rev. Annett concluded the service with a simple benediction:
"May we continue to offer our lives for the helpless and for justice, in the name of the living Christ who said, Whatever you did to the least of my people, you did to me. Amen."
The memorial service, and Rev. Annett's campaign to expose religious genocide in Canada, will be reported this week in several Italian newspapers and TV media, the links to which will appear on his website: www.hiddenfromhistory.org .
Rev. Annett conducted the service as part of a month long speaking tour he is conducting in Europe. He will be speaking to several dozen communities in Italy, England and Ireland, and screening his award-winning documentary film on genocide in Canadian residential schools, UNREPENTANT.
For more information, contact Kevin Annett and The Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared at this email. (Molly Note- The email address was missing in the original post. I presume you can communicate via the 'Hidden From History' website )
Note: The soil used in this memorial service was obtained with the blessing and permission of some of the aboriginal families whose relatives lie in the mass grave in question. In the words of one of the elders who authorized this event, Chief Louis Daniels of the Anishinabe Nation,"Kevin Annett has the permission of my clan and nation to conduct any kind of service or public event needed to bring the truth and the children home." (July 8, 2009)
Read and Hear the truth of Genocide in Canada, past and present, at this website: www.hiddenfromhistory.org
Film Trailer to Kevin's award-winning documentary film UNREPENTANT:
“Kevin is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than many who have received it in the past.”
- Dr. Noam Chomsky
Institute Professor Emeritus
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“A courageous and inspiring man." (referring to Kevin Annett)
- Mairead Corrigan-Maguire
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Belfast , Northern Ireland
"As a long time front line worker with the Elders' Council at the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre, I stand behind what Kevin Annett is trying to do for our people. The genocide that continues today and which stemmed from the residential schools needs to be exposed. Kevin Annett helps break the silence, and brings the voice of our people all over the world."
Carol Muree Martin - Spirit Tree Woman
Nisgaa Nation
"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Turtle Clan, Anishinabe Nation
Winnipeg, Manitoba
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